2023 MOKS-MO Belton KC West PM

January 21, 2023
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 1344537525209034 Mustangs 9102 Ravonics Orion Q-12Blue
2nd 12224425642014959 Steel Wolves 10173 Ravonics Gemini Q-6Red
3rd 1124048240010173 Ravonics Gemini 22363 Patton Junior High 1 Q-11Blue
3rd 112550575209102 Ravonics Orion 20391 Tungsten Tigers Q-14Red
5th 105205728009103 Ravonics Rover 20391 Tungsten Tigers Q-11Red
6th 1022639374010173 Ravonics Gemini 14919 Circuit Breakers Q-8Blue
7th 98403325009102 Ravonics Orion 9103 Ravonics Rover Q-4Blue
8th 913038231009034 Mustangs 14959 Steel Wolves Q-14Blue
9th 902043270020391 Tungsten Tigers 10173 Ravonics Gemini Q-1Red
10th 89443312409808 Team Chargers 9102 Ravonics Orion Q-7Red
11th 88253924509808 Team Chargers 22363 Patton Junior High 1 Q-18Blue
12th 86253427509034 Mustangs 9808 Team Chargers Q-3Blue
12th 862441214016225 The Button Bucks 10173 Ravonics Gemini Q-15Blue
14th 784522115020391 Tungsten Tigers 9034 Mustangs Q-16Red
15th 75104124809808 Team Chargers 14919 Circuit Breakers Q-15Red
16th 722423254018415 The Hoplites 9808 Team Chargers Q-10Red
17th 712030210018415 The Hoplites 9102 Ravonics Orion Q-1Blue
18th 702034160018415 The Hoplites 9103 Ravonics Rover Q-16Blue
19th 652129151022363 Patton Junior High 1 9103 Ravonics Rover Q-13Red
20th 64202915009103 Ravonics Rover 16225 The Button Bucks Q-2Blue
21st 612024170011908 GEAR 9808 Team Chargers Q-5Red
21st 61202912009103 Ravonics Rover 11908 GEAR Q-7Blue
23rd 592126121022363 Patton Junior High 1 11908 GEAR Q-3Red
23rd 5923918009102 Ravonics Orion 14919 Circuit Breakers Q-18Red
25th 57831186014919 Circuit Breakers 20391 Tungsten Tigers Q-5Blue
26th 56252655016225 The Button Bucks 9034 Mustangs Q-9Red
27th 55029260010173 Ravonics Gemini 11908 GEAR Q-17Red
28th 47027200011908 GEAR 14959 Steel Wolves Q-10Blue
29th 39126121020391 Tungsten Tigers 22363 Patton Junior High 1 Q-9Blue
30th 34201130022363 Patton Junior High 1 9034 Mustangs Q-6Blue
31st 2509160014959 Steel Wolves 16225 The Button Bucks Q-17Blue
32nd 23012110014959 Steel Wolves 18415 The Hoplites Q-8Red
33rd 1701250011908 GEAR 18415 The Hoplites Q-13Blue
34th 1604120016225 The Button Bucks 18415 The Hoplites Q-4Red
35th 52120014919 Circuit Breakers 14959 Steel Wolves Q-2Red
36th 42200014919 Circuit Breakers 16225 The Button Bucks Q-12Red