Total Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Freight Hub 1 Shared Shared Tipped Delivery Capping Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 1483914956282060158272 CC Sparks 11272 Genesis Q-11Blue
2nd 12926387560280541512231 WarriorTech 11272 Genesis Q-7Blue
2nd 1294214736040421511272 Genesis 10621 North Robotics Q-17Red
4th 1133212696040481518638 Giant Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man 17012 Precision Guessworks Q-16Blue
5th 110421058624042011272 Genesis 15544 RoboVikings Q-4Blue
6th 10826285400162018013414 Circuit Breakers 11992 Radioactivity Q-16Red
7th 9913365000202030015544 RoboVikings 14084 [Insert Name Here] Q-15Blue
8th 982636366032030018638 Giant Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man 12231 WarriorTech Q-9Blue
9th 952266760003615535 TOBOR 17012 Precision Guessworks Q-13Red
10th 800246600122030011992 Radioactivity 535 TOBOR Q-8Blue
11th 77160610000361517012 Precision Guessworks 8272 CC Sparks Q-6Blue
11th 77132242004036013750 The Lab Rats 10621 North Robotics Q-9Red
13th 76166540000361517012 Precision Guessworks 13750 The Lab Rats Q-11Red
14th 6902148004042011130 Kokomo RoboKats 535 TOBOR Q-17Blue
15th 672024230016200011992 Radioactivity 10621 North Robotics Q-14Blue
16th 66261921000001511272 Genesis 13414 Circuit Breakers Q-14Red
17th 63620376040240535 TOBOR 20689 Battle Ground Robotics Q-5Red
17th 631314560082030012231 WarriorTech 14084 [Insert Name Here] Q-13Blue
19th 5710839008206015544 RoboVikings 20689 Battle Ground Robotics Q-1Red
19th 571316280016018014084 [Insert Name Here] 18638 Giant Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man Q-7Red
21st 56181424000024010621 North Robotics 17012 Precision Guessworks Q-1Blue
21st 56101630000024010621 North Robotics 11130 Kokomo RoboKats Q-6Red
23rd 50101228000018013414 Circuit Breakers 18638 Giant Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man Q-2Blue
24th 4510415400402024012231 WarriorTech 8272 CC Sparks Q-18Red
25th 4410405400282018013414 Circuit Breakers 12231 WarriorTech Q-4Red
26th 4051837000024011992 Radioactivity 13750 The Lab Rats Q-5Blue
27th 3810121600800011130 Kokomo RoboKats 14084 [Insert Name Here] Q-10Red
28th 3323165400122018018638 Giant Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man 15544 RoboVikings Q-12Red
29th 29581600400011130 Kokomo RoboKats 11992 Radioactivity Q-3Red
30th 2810121600800020689 Battle Ground Robotics 11992 Radioactivity Q-18Blue
31st 27101512004012020689 Battle Ground Robotics 13414 Circuit Breakers Q-10Blue
32nd 261010602800015544 RoboVikings 8272 CC Sparks Q-8Red
33rd 2461830601220008272 CC Sparks 535 TOBOR Q-2Red
34th 22361300000013750 The Lab Rats 8272 CC Sparks Q-15Red
35th 20041600006020689 Battle Ground Robotics 11130 Kokomo RoboKats Q-12Blue
36th 16518300800014084 [Insert Name Here] 13750 The Lab Rats Q-3Blue