2021 RO FTC CLUJ Qualifying Tournament #2 REMOTE

May 11 – 17, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 270128727015965 Esentza Robotics Q-1
2nd 243411327014278 Xeo Q-6
3rd 23771967019068 ABSO-TECH Q-1
4th 23592786515965 Esentza Robotics Q-4
5th 234711085519068 ABSO-TECH Q-3
6th 23380688515965 Esentza Robotics Q-6
7th 23171907017873 VECTRON Q-3
7th 231831084019104 CyberPunk Robotics Q-3
9th 223711025017873 VECTRON Q-1
10th 219591204019104 CyberPunk Robotics Q-6
11th 21771965017873 VECTRON Q-4
12th 216441027014278 Xeo Q-5
12th 21641908519068 ABSO-TECH Q-4
14th 214711083519068 ABSO-TECH Q-2
15th 21395784019104 CyberPunk Robotics Q-5
16th 21083725517873 VECTRON Q-6
16th 21041848519068 ABSO-TECH Q-6
18th 20583824019104 CyberPunk Robotics Q-1
19th 204321027014278 Xeo Q-4
20th 20280527019085 IDeaL Electronics Q-4
21st 20171904019104 CyberPunk Robotics Q-4
22nd 19865488519085 IDeaL Electronics Q-3
23rd 19662647019085 IDeaL Electronics Q-6
24th 19577487019085 IDeaL Electronics Q-2
24th 19571844019104 CyberPunk Robotics Q-2
26th 19359647012524 Sputnik Original Q-6
27th 19265824515965 Esentza Robotics Q-5
28th 19068725017873 VECTRON Q-2
29th 17838707012524 Sputnik Original Q-1
29th 17871723517873 VECTRON Q-5
31st 17556546519101 Tech-X Q-6
32nd 17435845514278 Xeo Q-2
33rd 16871425519068 ABSO-TECH Q-5
34th 16144625512524 Sputnik Original Q-5
35th 15956485512524 Sputnik Original Q-4
35th 15941784017844 RUBIX Q-5
37th 15650664017844 RUBIX Q-2
38th 15445446515965 Esentza Robotics Q-2
39th 15341724017844 RUBIX Q-3
40th 15253445517965 BOLTS AND GEARS Q-6
41st 14541743019101 Tech-X Q-4
42nd 14050405019115 B-Robo Q-1
43rd 13765324017965 BOLTS AND GEARS Q-5
44th 13644524017965 BOLTS AND GEARS Q-2
45th 13439603512524 Sputnik Original Q-2
45th 1345084015965 Esentza Robotics Q-3
47th 13244484017844 RUBIX Q-6
48th 13144325519058 Modus Vivendi Q-5
49th 13056542019052 Trojan.EXE Q-6
50th 12935742015966 Esentza Revolution Q-5
51st 12744483512524 Sputnik Original Q-3
52nd 12650364017965 BOLTS AND GEARS Q-1
52nd 12644424017965 BOLTS AND GEARS Q-4
54th 12547285019085 IDeaL Electronics Q-5
55th 12365184019091 The Resistance Q-6
56th 12120663514278 Xeo Q-3
57th 11750323519115 B-Robo Q-2
58th 11535602015966 Esentza Revolution Q-1
58th 11541245019151 TECHNO-MAISTER Q-4
60th 11456382019101 Tech-X Q-5
61st 11256362019082 RoboAS Q-2
62nd 11135364019101 Tech-X Q-3
63rd 11050204019091 The Resistance Q-5
64th 10935542015966 Esentza Revolution Q-3
64th 10926285519058 Modus Vivendi Q-6
66th 10835185517875 Code Warriors Q-5
66th 10856124018026 SGBOTS Q-2
68th 1065065019086 Robocorns RO004 Q-4
69th 10444303019151 TECHNO-MAISTER Q-6
70th 10339442017844 RUBIX Q-1
71st 10120463519058 Modus Vivendi Q-1
72nd 10044164019058 Modus Vivendi Q-3
72nd 10056242019082 RoboAS Q-5
74th 9947124019074 Extropy Q-2
75th 9832264018026 SGBOTS Q-5
76th 9741164019074 Extropy Q-1
76th 9735422019151 TECHNO-MAISTER Q-1
78th 9632244019074 Extropy Q-6
79th 952966017844 RUBIX Q-4
79th 9520205517875 Code Warriors Q-6
81st 9032184018026 SGBOTS Q-4
82nd 8856122019052 Trojan.EXE Q-4
82nd 8820185019058 Modus Vivendi Q-4
82nd 8832362019082 RoboAS Q-4
85th 8230124019074 Extropy Q-3
85th 8244182019131 Evolution Q-5
87th 8141103019101 Tech-X Q-1
88th 7820184017875 Code Warriors Q-2
88th 7820184018026 SGBOTS Q-1
88th 7820184019074 Extropy Q-4
88th 7841221519151 TECHNO-MAISTER Q-3
88th 7820382019152 Brainstorms Q-5
93rd 7644122018026 SGBOTS Q-3
93rd 7617243519082 RoboAS Q-3
93rd 7620362019152 Brainstorms Q-6
96th 753504017875 Code Warriors Q-3
96th 7517184019101 Tech-X Q-2
98th 7341122019048 ROBOPAPIU Q-3
98th 7329242019082 RoboAS Q-6
100th 7220124015966 Esentza Revolution Q-4
100th 7217203519086 Robocorns RO004 Q-3
102nd 7032182019074 Extropy Q-5
102nd 705002019079 PHOENIX Q-6
102nd 7020302019115 B-Robo Q-4
105th 6917322019086 Robocorns RO004 Q-2
106th 6826222019086 Robocorns RO004 Q-1
106th 6820282019152 Brainstorms Q-2
108th 674162019048 ROBOPAPIU Q-5
108th 674162019052 Trojan.EXE Q-3
110th 662604019085 IDeaL Electronics Q-1
110th 662064019091 The Resistance Q-2
112nd 651784019058 Modus Vivendi Q-2
112nd 6535102019091 The Resistance Q-3
112nd 6529162019131 Evolution Q-4
115th 642044018026 SGBOTS Q-6
115th 644118519052 Trojan.EXE Q-2
115th 642044019242 RO169 RoboPeda Q-4
118th 632083517875 Code Warriors Q-4
118th 633582019048 ROBOPAPIU Q-4
120th 6220123014278 Xeo Q-1
120th 6232102019115 B-Robo Q-6
122nd 613881519086 Robocorns RO004 Q-6
123rd 602004019079 PHOENIX Q-3
123rd 602004019079 PHOENIX Q-4
123rd 6020202019091 The Resistance Q-4
123rd 602004019242 RO169 RoboPeda Q-3
127th 5929102019131 Evolution Q-2
127th 5929102019131 Evolution Q-6
129th 5820182015966 Esentza Revolution Q-2
129th 583262019246 Cybersouls Q-5
131st 575322019152 Brainstorms Q-4
132nd 563242019086 Robocorns RO004 Q-5
133rd 5326121519056 PrimeTech Q-2
133rd 5326121519056 PrimeTech Q-4
135th 523022019079 PHOENIX Q-1
135th 525123519115 B-Robo Q-5
137th 502030017965 BOLTS AND GEARS Q-3
138th 495242019152 Brainstorms Q-3
139th 4814142019131 Evolution Q-3
139th 482082019342 Clever Core Q-4
141st 47542019052 Trojan.EXE Q-5
141st 4720121519056 PrimeTech Q-6
143rd 462062019242 RO169 RoboPeda Q-5
144th 45504019079 PHOENIX Q-2
144th 45504019091 The Resistance Q-1
146th 442042019079 PHOENIX Q-5
147th 420222019082 RoboAS Q-1
148th 41356019246 Cybersouls Q-3
149th 37298019246 Cybersouls Q-6
150th 36324019246 Cybersouls Q-2
150th 36324019246 Cybersouls Q-4
152nd 35350015966 Esentza Revolution Q-6
152nd 35296019151 TECHNO-MAISTER Q-2
152nd 35350019151 TECHNO-MAISTER Q-5
155th 29204519056 PrimeTech Q-3
155th 29524019119 InfotronX Q-5
157th 28208019115 B-Robo Q-3
157th 28208019342 Clever Core Q-3
159th 26206019342 Clever Core Q-5
160th 25502019119 InfotronX Q-4
160th 25502019242 RO169 RoboPeda Q-2
162nd 24204019056 PrimeTech Q-1
162nd 24204019242 RO169 RoboPeda Q-6
162nd 24204019342 Clever Core Q-2
165th 23518019056 PrimeTech Q-5
166th 20200017875 Code Warriors Q-1
166th 20200019048 ROBOPAPIU Q-1
168th 17512019119 InfotronX Q-6
169th 14014019246 Cybersouls Q-1
170th 1358019048 ROBOPAPIU Q-2
171st 10001019048 ROBOPAPIU Q-6
172nd 954019342 Clever Core Q-1
173rd 606019131 Evolution Q-1
174th 550019119 InfotronX Q-1
174th 550019242 RO169 RoboPeda Q-1
176th 000017243 Vianu Legends Q-1
176th 000017243 Vianu Legends Q-2
176th 000017243 Vianu Legends Q-3
176th 000017243 Vianu Legends Q-4
176th 000017243 Vianu Legends Q-5
176th 000017243 Vianu Legends Q-6
176th 000017855 Vortex Breakers Q-1
176th 000017855 Vortex Breakers Q-2
176th 000017855 Vortex Breakers Q-3
176th 000017855 Vortex Breakers Q-4
176th 000017855 Vortex Breakers Q-5
176th 000017855 Vortex Breakers Q-6
176th 000019052 Trojan.EXE Q-1
176th 000019119 InfotronX Q-2
176th 000019119 InfotronX Q-3
176th 000019152 Brainstorms Q-1