2023 WA Hopper League Meet 1

November 4, 2023
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Pixel Mosaic Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 991133556107935 The Dragons 2.0 6128 The Dragons 1.0 Q-9Red
2nd 882028400106128 The Dragons 1.0 19589 Falcons Robotics - Green Q-10Blue
3rd 7421134011019589 Falcons Robotics - Green 7935 The Dragons 2.0 Q-3Blue
3rd 7450420506128 The Dragons 1.0 23383 R-COURT Q-6Blue
5th 7133281081012005 GPrep Lightning 6128 The Dragons 1.0 Q-3Red
6th 70025450022347 Falcons Robotics - White 19589 Falcons Robotics - Green Q-1Blue
7th 685234001023383 R-COURT 22347 Falcons Robotics - White Q-4Red
8th 63023400019589 Falcons Robotics - Green 23383 R-COURT Q-5Red
9th 62829253012005 GPrep Lightning 19589 Falcons Robotics - Green Q-6Red
9th 62022400019589 Falcons Robotics - Green 23383 R-COURT Q-8Red
9th 621324253022347 Falcons Robotics - White 12005 GPrep Lightning Q-8Blue
12th 50520250022347 Falcons Robotics - White 14822 RoboGirls Q-7Red
12th 50111920607935 The Dragons 2.0 22347 Falcons Robotics - White Q-10Red
14th 47111125607935 The Dragons 2.0 12005 GPrep Lightning Q-7Blue
14th 471111256014822 RoboGirls 7935 The Dragons 2.0 Q-11Red
16th 441113206023383 R-COURT 7935 The Dragons 2.0 Q-1Red
17th 43810253012005 GPrep Lightning 23383 R-COURT Q-11Blue
18th 3106250023383 R-COURT 14822 RoboGirls Q-9Blue
19th 270720006128 The Dragons 1.0 22347 Falcons Robotics - White Q-2Blue
20th 245145007935 The Dragons 2.0 14822 RoboGirls Q-5Blue
21st 1808100014822 RoboGirls 12005 GPrep Lightning Q-2Red
22nd 70250014822 RoboGirls 6128 The Dragons 1.0 Q-4Blue