Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Pixel Mosaic Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 795024551023996 Whabam 14401 Wildcat Robotics Q-13Red
2nd 725012105014422 Twisted Mettle 14401 Wildcat Robotics Q-10Red
3rd 562511200013699 RoboGrizzlies 14422 Twisted Mettle Q-6Red
4th 49281203024818 Cyberdogz 13699 RoboGrizzlies Q-14Red
5th 44811253013699 RoboGrizzlies 22272 Morgan Park Q-11Red
6th 39209100015094 JCP Danger Chickens 14401 Wildcat Robotics Q-6Blue
7th 360261001023996 Whabam 18328 The Develop(h)ers Q-8Blue
8th 3555250018328 The Develop(h)ers 24818 Cyberdogz Q-5Red
9th 33523501017567 The Brogrammers 15094 JCP Danger Chickens Q-9Red
9th 33023100104965 Animatores Romani 23996 Whabam Q-11Blue
11th 32517100018328 The Develop(h)ers 15094 JCP Danger Chickens Q-12Red
12th 31101655015094 JCP Danger Chickens 13699 RoboGrizzlies Q-2Blue
13th 30520501015094 JCP Danger Chickens 24818 Cyberdogz Q-8Red
14th 28117106017567 The Brogrammers 18328 The Develop(h)ers Q-10Blue
15th 2511956018328 The Develop(h)ers 14422 Twisted Mettle Q-1Blue
15th 2510105504965 Animatores Romani 13699 RoboGrizzlies Q-5Blue
17th 21011100022272 Morgan Park 4965 Animatores Romani Q-7Red
18th 2055100014401 Wildcat Robotics 17567 The Brogrammers Q-4Blue
19th 1808100022272 Morgan Park 17567 The Brogrammers Q-12Blue
20th 1701250011822 S.T.E.M. - Bulldogs 23996 Whabam Q-1Red
21st 150510004965 Animatores Romani 17567 The Brogrammers Q-2Red
21st 1505100022272 Morgan Park 23996 Whabam Q-4Red
21st 1505100011822 S.T.E.M. - Bulldogs 4965 Animatores Romani Q-13Blue
24th 135350014401 Wildcat Robotics 11822 S.T.E.M. - Bulldogs Q-3Red
24th 130850014422 Twisted Mettle 22272 Morgan Park Q-14Blue
26th 1202100014422 Twisted Mettle 11822 S.T.E.M. - Bulldogs Q-7Blue
27th 65100022272 Morgan Park 24818 Cyberdogz Q-3Blue
28th 30300024818 Cyberdogz 11822 S.T.E.M. - Bulldogs Q-9Blue