Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Pixel Mosaic Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 71197459022111 Matheson Mecha Mustangs 16504 MDR Interval of Convergence Q-13Red
2nd 461011255016448 A.I.M. Bot Robotics 18799 Clean-Up Crew Robotics Q-14Blue
3rd 451010255016448 A.I.M. Bot Robotics 15479 KP Timberwolves Q-11Red
3rd 45119256018589 St. Pat's Celtic Silverfish 16504 MDR Interval of Convergence Q-11Blue
3rd 45119256018589 St. Pat's Celtic Silverfish 18799 Clean-Up Crew Robotics Q-12Blue
6th 4303400022111 Matheson Mecha Mustangs 22829 Killarney Robotics Q-5Blue
7th 40114256015479 KP Timberwolves 14316 MDR Entradox Q-14Red
8th 3784253020174 MDR Maximum Entropy 16448 A.I.M. Bot Robotics Q-6Red
8th 371611106018799 Clean-Up Crew Robotics 16504 MDR Interval of Convergence Q-7Red
10th 3385203016504 MDR Interval of Convergence 16448 A.I.M. Bot Robotics Q-2Blue
11th 28117106018799 Clean-Up Crew Robotics 15479 KP Timberwolves Q-4Blue
11th 28117106016504 MDR Interval of Convergence 24414 MDR Astrixx Q-6Blue
13th 26115106022817 Killarney Robotics Team 2 15479 KP Timberwolves Q-8Blue
14th 2505200018589 St. Pat's Celtic Silverfish 22829 Killarney Robotics Q-3Red
15th 2459100022829 Killarney Robotics 18799 Clean-Up Crew Robotics Q-9Red
16th 23013100018799 Clean-Up Crew Robotics 22817 Killarney Robotics Team 2 Q-2Red
17th 2202200014316 MDR Entradox 18589 St. Pat's Celtic Silverfish Q-7Blue
18th 2055100024414 MDR Astrixx 22111 Matheson Mecha Mustangs Q-10Red
19th 178453020174 MDR Maximum Entropy 22817 Killarney Robotics Team 2 Q-12Red
20th 1404100022829 Killarney Robotics 24414 MDR Astrixx Q-13Blue
21st 1303100022817 Killarney Robotics Team 2 24414 MDR Astrixx Q-4Red
21st 135350020174 MDR Maximum Entropy 22111 Matheson Mecha Mustangs Q-9Blue
21st 1303100014316 MDR Entradox 22817 Killarney Robotics Team 2 Q-10Blue
24th 128403016448 A.I.M. Bot Robotics 18589 St. Pat's Celtic Silverfish Q-5Red
25th 105050015479 KP Timberwolves 20174 MDR Maximum Entropy Q-1Blue
25th 100550022829 Killarney Robotics 20174 MDR Maximum Entropy Q-8Red
27th 50050024414 MDR Astrixx 14316 MDR Entradox Q-3Blue
28th 10100014316 MDR Entradox 22111 Matheson Mecha Mustangs Q-1Red