2022 TX-North U-League Meet 1

November 12, 2022
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 93205419006832 Iron Reign 20410 Bat in a Box Q-21Blue
2nd 914031200022191 BiT (Bionicles in Training) 20347 SPARKS FLYING Q-6Blue
3rd 75058170014962 RoBarbies 14904 Bionicles Q-4Blue
4th 59037220015373 Iron Core 14962 RoBarbies Q-20Red
5th 582025130020410 Bat in a Box 22191 BiT (Bionicles in Training) Q-9Blue
5th 58038200022191 BiT (Bionicles in Training) 14962 RoBarbies Q-15Red
7th 54301860014904 Bionicles 5598 The PIT Crew Q-11Red
8th 5203220008626 The Prototypes 22191 BiT (Bionicles in Training) Q-3Red
8th 5202626003734 Iron Giant 14904 Bionicles Q-14Red
10th 50141917405598 The PIT Crew 8406 The Horde Q-8Blue
10th 500183202014904 Bionicles 17499 Athena Circuit Breakers Q-18Red
12th 4503411008626 The Prototypes 14962 RoBarbies Q-10Blue
12th 4502718008626 The Prototypes 14904 Bionicles Q-22Blue
14th 44031130014962 RoBarbies 21963 Project Strange Q-7Blue
15th 42201930022191 BiT (Bionicles in Training) 21963 Project Strange Q-19Red
16th 4101922003734 Iron Giant 9010 Robotic Rangers Q-10Red
17th 382099006832 Iron Reign 15373 Iron Core Q-13Blue
18th 37201520014904 Bionicles 6832 Iron Reign Q-7Red
19th 360279009010 Robotic Rangers 11676 Lone Star Steel Q-16Blue
20th 342086006832 Iron Reign 10437 The Rusty Nuts Q-17Blue
21st 33018150017499 Athena Circuit Breakers 3734 Iron Giant Q-5Red
21st 33019140010437 The Rusty Nuts 20410 Bat in a Box Q-12Blue
21st 3322292020410 Bat in a Box 15373 Iron Core Q-17Red
24th 280253008406 The Horde 8626 The Prototypes Q-13Red
24th 28012160010437 The Rusty Nuts 3734 Iron Giant Q-22Red
26th 25011140017499 Athena Circuit Breakers 11676 Lone Star Steel Q-11Blue
26th 25101050020347 SPARKS FLYING 5598 The PIT Crew Q-14Blue
28th 2402040011676 Lone Star Steel 8626 The Prototypes Q-6Red
29th 230149003734 Iron Giant 20764 UltraBots Q-2Blue
30th 2009110015373 Iron Core 20347 SPARKS FLYING Q-9Red
31st 1909100017499 Athena Circuit Breakers 9010 Robotic Rangers Q-1Blue
32nd 1826100020764 UltraBots 10437 The Rusty Nuts Q-8Red
32nd 181035003734 Iron Giant 8406 The Horde Q-19Blue
34th 150780021963 Project Strange 8406 The Horde Q-16Red
35th 120840011676 Lone Star Steel 20347 SPARKS FLYING Q-20Blue
36th 90450020347 SPARKS FLYING 10437 The Rusty Nuts Q-1Red
36th 90450021963 Project Strange 20764 UltraBots Q-12Red
36th 9072008626 The Prototypes 20764 UltraBots Q-18Blue
39th 8053009010 Robotic Rangers 15373 Iron Core Q-5Blue
40th 6033005598 The PIT Crew 9010 Robotic Rangers Q-21Red
41st 5050005598 The PIT Crew 21963 Project Strange Q-3Blue
42nd 42020020764 UltraBots 17499 Athena Circuit Breakers Q-15Blue
43rd 20020011676 Lone Star Steel 6832 Iron Reign Q-2Red
43rd 2002008406 The Horde 20410 Bat in a Box Q-4Red