2023 RI Wheeler School Qualifier

January 7, 2023
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 14940545502013181 Free WiFi 17847 The Velocity Raptors F-2Red
2nd 14540515402013181 Free WiFi 17847 The Velocity Raptors F-1Red
3rd 13625426932013540 Rhodeberto 22156 Robo Titans SF2-2Red
4th 12920535602017847 The Velocity Raptors 13181 Free WiFi Q-13Red
5th 11920514802013181 Free WiFi 17847 The Velocity Raptors SF1-3Red
6th 10720444302022156 Robo Titans 13181 Free WiFi Q-8Blue
7th 10120364502022156 Robo Titans 17847 The Velocity Raptors Q-18Red
8th 9920364302013181 Free WiFi 17847 The Velocity Raptors SF1-1Red
9th 962241330013540 Rhodeberto 22156 Robo Titans F-2Blue
10th 8924234222017847 The Velocity Raptors 652 Underdogs Q-3Blue
11th 792225320203351 Tater Bots 13181 Free WiFi Q-16Blue
12th 762230240013181 Free WiFi 4531 Gearwigs Q-2Red
12th 76541303013540 Rhodeberto 22756 RoboKnights Q-17Red
14th 7453435306527 The Indecision Matrices 13540 Rhodeberto Q-9Red
15th 7220183402013181 Free WiFi 16610 Controlled Chaos Q-10Blue
15th 7220252700652 Underdogs 13540 Rhodeberto Q-12Blue
15th 722224260013540 Rhodeberto 15747 "El Robo" Q-14Blue
18th 7026321240149 Hawks 13540 Rhodeberto Q-2Blue
18th 702035150017847 The Velocity Raptors 16610 Controlled Chaos Q-8Red
20th 6920371200149 Hawks 6527 The Indecision Matrices Q-15Red
20th 692227200013540 Rhodeberto 22156 Robo Titans SF2-1Red
20th 692224230013540 Rhodeberto 22156 Robo Titans F-1Blue
23rd 68202622006527 The Indecision Matrices 652 Underdogs SF1-2Blue
24th 6620212500652 Underdogs 22156 Robo Titans Q-14Red
25th 62232280022756 RoboKnights 17847 The Velocity Raptors Q-5Blue
25th 62202418004531 Gearwigs 149 Hawks Q-7Blue
27th 612225140013540 Rhodeberto 22156 Robo Titans Q-4Blue
28th 592019200022156 Robo Titans 6527 The Indecision Matrices Q-12Red
29th 542020140013181 Free WiFi 15747 "El Robo" Q-6Red
29th 542023110013181 Free WiFi 17847 The Velocity Raptors SF1-2Red
31st 51201120003351 Tater Bots 149 Hawks Q-4Red
32nd 482010180022756 RoboKnights 149 Hawks SF2-1Blue
33rd 4602620006527 The Indecision Matrices 652 Underdogs SF1-3Blue
34th 44227150015747 "El Robo" 17847 The Velocity Raptors Q-11Blue
35th 432017600149 Hawks 22756 RoboKnights Q-11Red
36th 42220200022756 RoboKnights 6527 The Indecision Matrices Q-1Red
37th 3823060022756 RoboKnights 3351 Tater Bots Q-13Blue
38th 353161610652 Underdogs 3351 Tater Bots Q-7Red
39th 3301716006527 The Indecision Matrices 4531 Gearwigs Q-18Blue
40th 2722050016610 Controlled Chaos 149 Hawks Q-17Blue
41st 240816006527 The Indecision Matrices 16610 Controlled Chaos Q-6Blue
42nd 2121360016610 Controlled Chaos 4531 Gearwigs Q-15Blue
43rd 19496203351 Tater Bots 22156 Robo Titans Q-1Blue
43rd 1901360015747 "El Robo" 652 Underdogs Q-16Red
45th 1812330016610 Controlled Chaos 15747 "El Robo" Q-3Red
46th 1701160015747 "El Robo" 22756 RoboKnights Q-9Blue
47th 160610006527 The Indecision Matrices 652 Underdogs SF1-1Blue
48th 15276004531 Gearwigs 652 Underdogs Q-5Red
49th 13355104531 Gearwigs 3351 Tater Bots Q-10Red
50th 22000022756 RoboKnights 149 Hawks SF2-2Blue