Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 226659467252018255 Stealth Robotics 5037 got robot? Q-5Blue
2nd 184536566132012682 The Golden Ratio 8907 Blue Box Bots Q-11Red
3rd 18131807011208907 Blue Box Bots 18255 Stealth Robotics Q-15Red
4th 179458549252018255 Stealth Robotics 22139 Golden Gators (CLS Robotics) Q-3Blue
5th 16344615842017023 Swamp Bots (CLS Robotics) 16033 Robo Wolves Q-16Red
6th 1594846658205037 got robot? 6200 Despicable Machine Q-13Red
7th 14523596332013193 Code Blue 5037 got robot? Q-2Blue
8th 1394559355013193 Code Blue 15321 Green Machine (CLS Robotics) Q-17Red
9th 1354064312006199 Crash Test Dummies 18255 Stealth Robotics Q-8Red
10th 12350413210015321 Green Machine (CLS Robotics) 12682 The Golden Ratio Q-14Red
11th 1222557405013193 Code Blue 16033 Robo Wolves Q-12Blue
12th 113284936805037 got robot? 6199 Crash Test Dummies Q-19Red
13th 11130572410019575 Close Call 18255 Stealth Robotics Q-18Red
14th 1012455224017023 Swamp Bots (CLS Robotics) 16971 TiGears(CLC Robotics) Q-14Blue
15th 9935442015016971 TiGears(CLC Robotics) 12682 The Golden Ratio Q-1Red
15th 9924304542017023 Swamp Bots (CLS Robotics) 6200 Despicable Machine Q-6Red
17th 97275515505199 Duct Tape and a Prayer 17023 Swamp Bots (CLS Robotics) Q-8Blue
18th 944036180016033 Robo Wolves 6198 Nexus Robotics Q-7Red
19th 892539255012682 The Golden Ratio 6200 Despicable Machine Q-18Blue
20th 8533312111012682 The Golden Ratio 5199 Duct Tape and a Prayer Q-4Red
21st 844527125016033 Robo Wolves 8907 Blue Box Bots Q-4Blue
22nd 832441184019575 Close Call 17023 Swamp Bots (CLS Robotics) Q-2Red
23rd 782039190015321 Green Machine (CLS Robotics) 16033 Robo Wolves Q-9Red
24th 76203620006198 Nexus Robotics 5037 got robot? Q-11Blue
25th 75204690022139 Golden Gators (CLS Robotics) 15321 Green Machine (CLS Robotics) Q-19Blue
26th 59201821005199 Duct Tape and a Prayer 8907 Blue Box Bots Q-17Blue
27th 54251811508907 Blue Box Bots 22139 Golden Gators (CLS Robotics) Q-6Blue
28th 492015140015321 Green Machine (CLS Robotics) 19575 Close Call Q-7Blue
29th 482015130016971 TiGears(CLC Robotics) 6198 Nexus Robotics Q-16Blue
30th 4720198006198 Nexus Robotics 15321 Green Machine (CLS Robotics) Q-3Red
30th 47029180016971 TiGears(CLC Robotics) 13193 Code Blue Q-5Red
32nd 4151521506200 Despicable Machine 13193 Code Blue Q-9Blue
32nd 4120129005199 Duct Tape and a Prayer 6198 Nexus Robotics Q-13Blue
34th 40018220022139 Golden Gators (CLS Robotics) 16971 TiGears(CLC Robotics) Q-10Red
35th 3802711006199 Crash Test Dummies 22139 Golden Gators (CLS Robotics) Q-12Red
36th 220166006200 Despicable Machine 6199 Crash Test Dummies Q-1Blue
36th 220166006199 Crash Test Dummies 19575 Close Call Q-15Blue
38th 180990019575 Close Call 5199 Duct Tape and a Prayer Q-10Blue