2022 TX-North Spring Qualifier #2a

January 20 – 22, 2022
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Freight Hub 1 Shared Shared Tipped Delivery Capping Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 16519608660202060017294 Over Dr!ve Robotics 16012 Blazing Bots Q-18Blue
2nd 1645252606024054017294 Over Dr!ve Robotics 16012 Blazing Bots F-3Red
3rd 16216549262282048158406 The Horde 11341 ViBøTs F-3Blue
4th 1585226906282054014445 Poseidons 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics Q-29Red
5th 15332467562200541517294 Over Dr!ve Robotics 16012 Blazing Bots SF1-1Red
6th 1502654700032054017294 Over Dr!ve Robotics 16012 Blazing Bots SF1-2Red
7th 14510409500162054158406 The Horde 11341 ViBøTs F-2Blue
8th 1402252666024060017294 Over Dr!ve Robotics 16012 Blazing Bots F-1Red
9th 1365240546016048017294 Over Dr!ve Robotics 16012 Blazing Bots F-2Red
10th 13219298460242048016012 Blazing Bots 19990 Marcus de-TECH-tives Q-26Blue
11th 126224856628203008406 The Horde 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics Q-10Blue
12th 1232936686216203608406 The Horde 11341 ViBøTs SF2-2Red
13th 1191948626082036017294 Over Dr!ve Robotics 11341 ViBøTs Q-5Blue
14th 11613386500162042014881 BeGone Bots-Jaguar FTC 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics Q-23Red
15th 1132627600216048011676 Lone Star Steel 16012 Blazing Bots Q-21Red
16th 10914237260122036010437 The Rusty Nuts 8406 The Horde Q-1Blue
17th 108233055000036011341 ViBøTs 14445 Poseidons Q-8Red
18th 107538640020048011341 ViBøTs 10437 The Rusty Nuts Q-21Blue
19th 952320520020036014881 BeGone Bots-Jaguar FTC 9403 Hive of Steel SF1-2Blue
20th 942316550016042014881 BeGone Bots-Jaguar FTC 9403 Hive of Steel SF1-1Blue
21st 933840451200036019817 Fionacci Trojans 314 9403 Hive of Steel Q-30Blue
22nd 92263036008024016802 Hollibots 14626 RoboFalcons Q-18Red
23rd 91583221120001809403 Hive of Steel 14626 RoboFalcons Q-15Red
23rd 9116106566420241518072 BCS Battery Acid 8406 The Horde Q-25Blue
23rd 91291854600030158406 The Horde 11341 ViBøTs SF2-1Red
26th 881029492020030010437 The Rusty Nuts 14881 BeGone Bots-Jaguar FTC Q-17Blue
27th 86323024600024019817 Fionacci Trojans 314 16802 Hollibots Q-2Red
27th 863630506282012158406 The Horde 8130 Vikings Q-27Red
29th 8216125400122018016012 Blazing Bots 10526 BA BLACK: CyberTonics Q-4Red
30th 80163727621602408406 The Horde 11341 ViBøTs F-1Blue
31st 78111849604036020262 Dragonflies Jr. 9402 CyberSwarm Q-26Red
32nd 76532390020206010526 BA BLACK: CyberTonics 16802 Hollibots Q-28Blue
32nd 762112430012024010437 The Rusty Nuts 14626 RoboFalcons SF2-2Blue
34th 753324481208201809402 CyberSwarm 9403 Hive of Steel Q-22Blue
34th 75102045002020608514 BA GREEN: BR Bandits 10437 The Rusty Nuts Q-30Red
36th 74222428600018017294 Over Dr!ve Robotics 9402 CyberSwarm Q-14Red
37th 7113167200122042014881 BeGone Bots-Jaguar FTC 16012 Blazing Bots Q-7Blue
38th 7013226502202042016012 Blazing Bots 18072 BCS Battery Acid Q-11Red
39th 692944566224203608406 The Horde 11341 ViBøTs Q-17Red
40th 6513052000036019990 Marcus de-TECH-tives 9403 Hive of Steel Q-10Red
41st 640064000048011341 ViBøTs 20313 Mustang Robotics Q-15Blue
42nd 621210606242030020262 Dragonflies Jr. 8406 The Horde Q-13Red
43rd 6123221600400011341 ViBøTs 14881 BeGone Bots-Jaguar FTC Q-28Red
44th 5632121260006014626 RoboFalcons 19817 Fionacci Trojans 314 Q-22Red
45th 53983660420008514 BA GREEN: BR Bandits 9402 CyberSwarm Q-19Blue
46th 52161818000012016802 Hollibots 19990 Marcus de-TECH-tives Q-12Blue
47th 51516600016201808130 Vikings 10437 The Rusty Nuts Q-12Red
48th 4713628000012014626 RoboFalcons 10526 BA BLACK: CyberTonics Q-6Blue
49th 46101818000018016802 Hollibots 8514 BA GREEN: BR Bandits Q-24Red
50th 4561524000012020313 Mustang Robotics 11676 Lone Star Steel Q-29Blue
51st 441414166040609402 CyberSwarm 11676 Lone Star Steel Q-9Red
52nd 4325662042030014445 Poseidons 20262 Dragonflies Jr. Q-20Blue
52nd 43512360012200010437 The Rusty Nuts 14626 RoboFalcons SF2-1Blue
54th 4261224000018011676 Lone Star Steel 8514 BA GREEN: BR Bandits Q-13Blue
55th 4119301260006014881 BeGone Bots-Jaguar FTC 19817 Fionacci Trojans 314 Q-11Blue
56th 40321266000609403 Hive of Steel 8130 Vikings Q-4Blue
56th 4010228020018019990 Marcus de-TECH-tives 14445 Poseidons Q-24Blue
58th 390237020024020313 Mustang Robotics 8514 BA GREEN: BR Bandits Q-7Red
59th 366852004042011676 Lone Star Steel 10526 BA BLACK: CyberTonics Q-16Blue
59th 36161436620024014626 RoboFalcons 18072 BCS Battery Acid Q-27Blue
61st 34161266000008130 Vikings 19817 Fionacci Trojans 314 Q-8Blue
61st 340034000018010526 BA BLACK: CyberTonics 20313 Mustang Robotics Q-25Red
63rd 33011220040608130 Vikings 20262 Dragonflies Jr. Q-23Blue
64th 30161430620018010437 The Rusty Nuts 20262 Dragonflies Jr. Q-6Red
65th 28169362000014626 RoboFalcons 14881 BeGone Bots-Jaguar FTC Q-3Blue
66th 220022000012020313 Mustang Robotics 8130 Vikings Q-19Red
67th 1961030200009403 Hive of Steel 18072 BCS Battery Acid Q-20Red
68th 1891326608200020262 Dragonflies Jr. 20313 Mustang Robotics Q-2Blue
69th 16100600006010526 BA BLACK: CyberTonics 14445 Poseidons Q-14Blue
70th 15021302000018072 BCS Battery Acid 8514 BA GREEN: BR Bandits Q-5Red
71st 46121660000019817 Fionacci Trojans 314 19990 Marcus de-TECH-tives Q-16Red
72nd 1102021008018018072 BCS Battery Acid 16802 Hollibots Q-9Blue
73rd 010231020018014445 Poseidons 9402 CyberSwarm Q-1Red
73rd 00028000012019990 Marcus de-TECH-tives 11676 Lone Star Steel Q-3Red