2021 TX FTC W&P Central League Meet #3 REMOTE

February 22 – 27, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 1273230654894 Westerner Robotics JV 2 Q-5
2nd 11935543018484 p0gg3r$ Q-3
3rd 1042910654894 Westerner Robotics JV 2 Q-1
4th 1033830354894 Westerner Robotics JV 2 Q-6
5th 10135363018484 p0gg3r$ Q-2
5th 10150361518484 p0gg3r$ Q-5
7th 9729185011719 Iron Hook Q-2
8th 9635461518484 p0gg3r$ Q-6
9th 9135164018483 Buckar00s Q-5
10th 8830184018483 Buckar00s Q-6
11th 86536455891 Redneck Engineering Q-3
11th 8641301511719 Iron Hook Q-5
13th 832924305891 Redneck Engineering Q-4
14th 813564015546 Monkey Mechanics Q-6
15th 795245011719 Iron Hook Q-6
16th 7820184018483 Buckar00s Q-3
16th 7820184018483 Buckar00s Q-4
18th 764103511719 Iron Hook Q-3
18th 7620164018483 Buckar00s Q-1
20th 753504015546 Monkey Mechanics Q-1
20th 753504015546 Monkey Mechanics Q-3
20th 753504015546 Monkey Mechanics Q-4
20th 752005515546 Monkey Mechanics Q-5
24th 7315184018483 Buckar00s Q-2
25th 71413005891 Redneck Engineering Q-6
25th 713536018484 p0gg3r$ Q-1
27th 7020302011719 Iron Hook Q-4
28th 674162011719 Iron Hook Q-1
29th 642044014895 The Rebels Q-1
30th 633582014813 STATIC DISCHARGE Q-5
31st 621730155891 Redneck Engineering Q-5
31st 622024011827 Henry Q-6
31st 625421518484 p0gg3r$ Q-4
34th 61410205891 Redneck Engineering Q-1
34th 611564014895 The Rebels Q-5
36th 602004011827 Henry Q-5
36th 602004015546 Monkey Mechanics Q-2
36th 602004015549 Mustang Maniacs Q-1
36th 602004015549 Mustang Maniacs Q-2
36th 602004015549 Mustang Maniacs Q-3
36th 602004015549 Mustang Maniacs Q-5
42nd 561110354894 Westerner Robotics JV 2 Q-3
43rd 51206259071 PYROMANIAC Q-2
43rd 51564014895 The Rebels Q-3
45th 502003015077 Iron Patriots Q-6
46th 48321604894 Westerner Robotics JV 2 Q-2
46th 48358514813 STATIC DISCHARGE Q-4
46th 482082014895 The Rebels Q-6
49th 45504015549 Mustang Maniacs Q-4
49th 45504015549 Mustang Maniacs Q-6
51st 421162514895 The Rebels Q-2
51st 422022016955 Broncos Q-4
53rd 40510259071 PYROMANIAC Q-3
53rd 400202018318 Matador Robotics Q-2
55th 39140257239 Byte Sized Bots Q-6
56th 380182018318 Matador Robotics Q-4
56th 382018018318 Matador Robotics Q-6
58th 37512209071 PYROMANIAC Q-5
59th 36016204894 Westerner Robotics JV 2 Q-4
60th 351502011827 Henry Q-3
61st 34201409071 PYROMANIAC Q-6
61st 341402014895 The Rebels Q-4
61st 340142018318 Matador Robotics Q-5
64th 3358209071 PYROMANIAC Q-1
64th 33208514813 STATIC DISCHARGE Q-3
64th 33582014813 STATIC DISCHARGE Q-6
67th 322012016955 Broncos Q-2
68th 31562014813 STATIC DISCHARGE Q-2
69th 30200107239 Byte Sized Bots Q-3
70th 28581518900 Sea No Evil Q-1
71st 27202513788 Talkington Tinies Q-3
71st 27522014813 STATIC DISCHARGE Q-1
73rd 26561516955 Broncos Q-5
74th 21516016955 Broncos Q-3
75th 20150510676 Lady Warbots Q-4
75th 20002011827 Henry Q-4
77th 19514014637 Aquanauts Q-2
78th 18018018318 Matador Robotics Q-3
79th 1751204859 Westerner Robotic Outlaws Q-2
79th 1751209071 PYROMANIAC Q-4
81st 1611057239 Byte Sized Bots Q-5
82nd 1551004859 Westerner Robotic Outlaws Q-3
82nd 1550105891 Redneck Engineering Q-2
82nd 15150011827 Henry Q-1
82nd 15150011827 Henry Q-2
82nd 15501015077 Iron Patriots Q-3
87th 1414007239 Byte Sized Bots Q-4
88th 135804859 Westerner Robotic Outlaws Q-1
88th 1358014637 Aquanauts Q-1
88th 1358016955 Broncos Q-1
91st 12012018318 Matador Robotics Q-1
92nd 1111004859 Westerner Robotic Outlaws Q-4
92nd 1156018900 Sea No Evil Q-2
94th 1001004921 The Dropouts Q-2
94th 10001010676 Lady Warbots Q-3
94th 1050510676 Lady Warbots Q-5
94th 1050515077 Iron Patriots Q-4
94th 1050515077 Iron Patriots Q-5
99th 954014637 Aquanauts Q-3
99th 954014637 Aquanauts Q-4
99th 954016955 Broncos Q-6
99th 954018900 Sea No Evil Q-4
99th 954018900 Sea No Evil Q-6
104th 80804921 The Dropouts Q-1
104th 80804921 The Dropouts Q-4
106th 75204859 Westerner Robotic Outlaws Q-5
106th 702513788 Talkington Tinies Q-5
108th 60604921 The Dropouts Q-3
109th 55004859 Westerner Robotic Outlaws Q-6
109th 55007239 Byte Sized Bots Q-1
109th 55007239 Byte Sized Bots Q-2
109th 550010676 Lady Warbots Q-2
109th 500510676 Lady Warbots Q-6
109th 500513788 Talkington Tinies Q-4
109th 550013788 Talkington Tinies Q-6
109th 500513825 Westerner Robotic Banana Racoons Q-2
109th 500513825 Westerner Robotic Banana Racoons Q-5
109th 550014637 Aquanauts Q-5
109th 500514637 Aquanauts Q-6
109th 550015077 Iron Patriots Q-1
109th 550015077 Iron Patriots Q-2
109th 500515592 T-Force Q-3
109th 500517461 Trial & Error Q-5
109th 500517461 Trial & Error Q-6
109th 550018900 Sea No Evil Q-3
109th 550018900 Sea No Evil Q-5
127th 40404921 The Dropouts Q-5
127th 40404921 The Dropouts Q-6
127th 404013788 Talkington Tinies Q-2
130th 000010676 Lady Warbots Q-1
130th 000013788 Talkington Tinies Q-1
130th 000013825 Westerner Robotic Banana Racoons Q-1
130th 000013825 Westerner Robotic Banana Racoons Q-3
130th 000013825 Westerner Robotic Banana Racoons Q-4
130th 000013825 Westerner Robotic Banana Racoons Q-6
130th 000015592 T-Force Q-1
130th 000015592 T-Force Q-2
130th 000015592 T-Force Q-4
130th 000015592 T-Force Q-5
130th 000015592 T-Force Q-6
130th 000015622 The Rejects Q-1
130th 000015622 The Rejects Q-2
130th 000015622 The Rejects Q-3
130th 000015622 The Rejects Q-4
130th 000015622 The Rejects Q-5
130th 000015622 The Rejects Q-6
130th 000017268 The Iron Giants Q-1
130th 000017268 The Iron Giants Q-2
130th 000017268 The Iron Giants Q-3
130th 000017268 The Iron Giants Q-4
130th 000017268 The Iron Giants Q-5
130th 000017268 The Iron Giants Q-6
130th 000017461 Trial & Error Q-1
130th 000017461 Trial & Error Q-2
130th 000017461 Trial & Error Q-3
130th 000017461 Trial & Error Q-4