2021 SC FTC Meet #3 REMOTE

March 6 – 13, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 13459304511454 Penguineers Q-2
2nd 119354440772 Golden Dragons Q-5
3rd 11656303011454 Penguineers Q-4
4th 112264640208 Runic Robotics Q-3
5th 110444620208 Runic Robotics Q-2
5th 1107124159121 Falcon Force Q-6
7th 10456183011454 Penguineers Q-3
8th 103352840772 Golden Dragons Q-3
9th 101352640772 Golden Dragons Q-1
10th 9935244017621 Sea Dawgs Q-3
11th 96322440208 Runic Robotics Q-5
12th 95712409121 Falcon Force Q-2
13th 89351440772 Golden Dragons Q-2
13th 8956181511454 Penguineers Q-6
15th 862328358477 Rohming Robots Q-4
16th 81291240208 Runic Robotics Q-6
17th 78201840772 Golden Dragons Q-4
18th 774418159121 Falcon Force Q-3
19th 76201640772 Golden Dragons Q-6
20th 74203420208 Runic Robotics Q-1
20th 74561809121 Falcon Force Q-1
22nd 72233415753 The GreenVillains Q-3
23rd 701228308477 Rohming Robots Q-3
24th 68202820208 Runic Robotics Q-4
25th 652004510021 The Red Legion Q-2
25th 654461511454 Penguineers Q-5
27th 6020040327 The Lobotomists Q-6
27th 60172815753 The GreenVillains Q-2
27th 602004013661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) Q-1
30th 56322409121 Falcon Force Q-5
31st 541816208477 Rohming Robots Q-2
32nd 532018159121 Falcon Force Q-4
33rd 513516017621 Sea Dawgs Q-5
34th 50201020327 The Lobotomists Q-2
34th 5053015753 The GreenVillains Q-5
34th 50504510021 The Red Legion Q-1
34th 502003010021 The Red Legion Q-3
34th 502003010021 The Red Legion Q-4
39th 49544011214 Ground Shakers Q-5
40th 4820820327 The Lobotomists Q-1
40th 481216208477 Rohming Robots Q-1
42nd 423840753 The GreenVillains Q-6
43rd 4020020327 The Lobotomists Q-5
43rd 402002013661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) Q-2
43rd 402002013661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) Q-3
43rd 402002013661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) Q-4
43rd 402002013661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) Q-5
48th 3923160753 The GreenVillains Q-4
48th 395142011214 Ground Shakers Q-2
50th 380182017621 Sea Dawgs Q-2
50th 382018017621 Sea Dawgs Q-6
52nd 35112408477 Rohming Robots Q-5
52nd 352001511454 Penguineers Q-1
54th 340142017621 Sea Dawgs Q-1
55th 2917120753 The GreenVillains Q-1
55th 29204511841 STEAM Punks Q-1
57th 27522011214 Ground Shakers Q-3
57th 27202516126 Pientists Q-3
59th 255020327 The Lobotomists Q-3
59th 25502011214 Ground Shakers Q-4
59th 25200511841 STEAM Punks Q-2
59th 25502013661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) Q-6
63rd 215160673 Subatomic Tomahawks Q-2
64th 202000327 The Lobotomists Q-4
64th 20150511841 STEAM Punks Q-4
64th 20002011841 STEAM Punks Q-5
67th 19514011214 Ground Shakers Q-1
68th 1858516126 Pientists Q-2
69th 17512017621 Sea Dawgs Q-4
69th 17512018391 Scoutbots Q-1
71st 15510018391 Scoutbots Q-2
71st 15510018391 Scoutbots Q-3
73rd 1454516126 Pientists Q-5
73rd 14041018308 Team RocketForge Q-6
75th 13580673 Subatomic Tomahawks Q-5
75th 131120673 Subatomic Tomahawks Q-6
75th 1358016126 Pientists Q-1
75th 1308518069 Java Dragons Q-4
75th 1308518069 Java Dragons Q-5
80th 1252516126 Pientists Q-6
81st 1106518308 Team RocketForge Q-1
81st 1106518308 Team RocketForge Q-5
83rd 1050516126 Pientists Q-4
84th 954011214 Ground Shakers Q-6
84th 904518308 Team RocketForge Q-3
84th 904518308 Team RocketForge Q-4
87th 80808477 Rohming Robots Q-6
88th 6060673 Subatomic Tomahawks Q-4
88th 606018391 Scoutbots Q-6
90th 500511841 STEAM Punks Q-3
90th 500511841 STEAM Punks Q-6
90th 500518069 Java Dragons Q-2
90th 500518069 Java Dragons Q-3
94th 4040673 Subatomic Tomahawks Q-1
94th 404018308 Team RocketForge Q-2
94th 404018391 Scoutbots Q-4
94th 404018391 Scoutbots Q-5
98th 0000673 Subatomic Tomahawks Q-3
98th 000018069 Java Dragons Q-1