2021 OK FTC League Meet #5 REMOTE

February 21 – 27, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 2711041026510641 Atomic Gears Q-2
2nd 22051848511354 The Midnight Ostrich Runners Q-2
3rd 21792408510641 Atomic Gears Q-5
4th 21180666510641 Atomic Gears Q-4
5th 21071845510355 Project Peacock Q-5
5th 21071845511354 The Midnight Ostrich Runners Q-6
7th 20256965010641 Atomic Gears Q-1
8th 19656905010641 Atomic Gears Q-3
9th 19356726510641 Atomic Gears Q-6
10th 18956785511354 The Midnight Ostrich Runners Q-4
11th 18842767018274 PR0J3C7 P4R4D0X Q-5
12th 18465843510355 Project Peacock Q-3
13th 18359844011354 The Midnight Ostrich Runners Q-1
14th 1777186206735 Team Medusa Q-1
14th 17756962511354 The Midnight Ostrich Runners Q-3
16th 17444607018274 PR0J3C7 P4R4D0X Q-6
17th 17145567018274 PR0J3C7 P4R4D0X Q-4
18th 1657154408866 Cybernetics Q-6
18th 16571544010355 Project Peacock Q-2
20th 16356723511354 The Midnight Ostrich Runners Q-5
20th 16301085518802 Robo Renegades Q-6
22nd 1565942555553 RoboComets Q-3
23rd 15338605518274 PR0J3C7 P4R4D0X Q-3
24th 1504154558866 Cybernetics Q-4
24th 15071245510355 Project Peacock Q-6
26th 14801084018802 Robo Renegades Q-5
27th 1455956306735 Team Medusa Q-3
27th 1454758408866 Cybernetics Q-1
27th 14565404014906 Leviathan Robotics Q-3
30th 1443242708866 Cybernetics Q-5
30th 14444604010355 Project Peacock Q-1
32nd 1425072208866 Cybernetics Q-2
33rd 13944603510355 Project Peacock Q-4
34th 1353248554155 M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team) Q-3
35th 1273552405553 RoboComets Q-4
35th 12739484018274 PR0J3C7 P4R4D0X Q-1
37th 1234736405553 RoboComets Q-6
38th 1224522556735 Team Medusa Q-2
39th 1203248405553 RoboComets Q-2
40th 11759382014906 Leviathan Robotics Q-2
40th 11727702018274 PR0J3C7 P4R4D0X Q-2
40th 1170625518802 Robo Renegades Q-2
43rd 1160764018802 Robo Renegades Q-4
44th 1153228557506 System Overload Q-5
45th 1123542358866 Cybernetics Q-3
45th 1120427018802 Robo Renegades Q-3
47th 1113224557506 System Overload Q-2
47th 11147244014906 Leviathan Robotics Q-6
49th 1102644404155 M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team) Q-4
50th 10938165516505 Quantum Q-1
51st 10738442514906 Leviathan Robotics Q-1
52nd 102542554155 M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team) Q-6
53rd 10129225013806 Project Agnizab Q-4
54th 1004540156735 Team Medusa Q-4
55th 992024557506 System Overload Q-3
56th 9620364012766 ChouTime Q-4
57th 943222405553 RoboComets Q-1
57th 942034407506 System Overload Q-6
59th 922626407506 System Overload Q-1
60th 9120165516505 Quantum Q-5
61st 9020304012766 ChouTime Q-2
62nd 8832164016505 Quantum Q-3
63rd 8741262014906 Leviathan Robotics Q-4
64th 853510405553 RoboComets Q-5
65th 84440407506 System Overload Q-4
66th 832028357242 BC Robocats Q-4
67th 82566207242 BC Robocats Q-1
68th 792044156973 Radical Robotics Q-4
68th 7935242012766 ChouTime Q-1
70th 783820207242 BC Robocats Q-3
71st 762026306973 Radical Robotics Q-3
71st 762412407163 The Bazinga Project Q-5
73rd 753504011572 Mouse Spit Q-4
74th 72636304155 M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team) Q-5
74th 72266406735 Team Medusa Q-5
74th 723204016505 Quantum Q-4
77th 715462012766 ChouTime Q-5
78th 70624404155 M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team) Q-1
78th 703218205395 Team Clutch Q-2
78th 703004011572 Mouse Spit Q-6
81st 6929202013806 Project Agnizab Q-1
82nd 67532306973 Radical Robotics Q-6
83rd 66204606973 Radical Robotics Q-1
84th 642044011572 Mouse Spit Q-3
84th 642044016505 Quantum Q-6
86th 622024011572 Mouse Spit Q-5
87th 612932013806 Project Agnizab Q-6
88th 60200403638 Atomic Shock Q-4
88th 60200404266 Makin' Stuff Move Q-6
88th 60200409898 98 Squared Q-3
88th 60200409898 98 Squared Q-4
88th 602004017034 Gears of Liberty Q-2
93rd 5820182012766 ChouTime Q-6
94th 57512403638 Atomic Shock Q-6
95th 562610207242 BC Robocats Q-2
96th 542682014906 Leviathan Robotics Q-5
97th 5156404155 M.I.T (Muskogee's Innovative Team) Q-2
98th 48084016505 Quantum Q-2
99th 471512207163 The Bazinga Project Q-6
100th 46260205395 Team Clutch Q-1
101st 4550404266 Makin' Stuff Move Q-5
101st 4550409898 98 Squared Q-5
101st 4550409898 98 Squared Q-6
101st 45504017034 Gears of Liberty Q-4
105th 43518207163 The Bazinga Project Q-4
106th 42202204266 Makin' Stuff Move Q-1
107th 40200203638 Atomic Shock Q-3
107th 40200203638 Atomic Shock Q-5
107th 40200204266 Makin' Stuff Move Q-3
107th 4000409898 98 Squared Q-2
111st 3832607242 BC Robocats Q-5
112nd 375122013806 Project Agnizab Q-3
113rd 36016207163 The Bazinga Project Q-3
114th 32012205395 Team Clutch Q-4
114th 32512156973 Radical Robotics Q-5
114th 32012207163 The Bazinga Project Q-2
114th 322012013806 Project Agnizab Q-5
114th 32032018802 Robo Renegades Q-1
119th 31110205395 Team Clutch Q-3
119th 3156205395 Team Clutch Q-6
121st 30200103638 Atomic Shock Q-1
121st 302001014134 N.E.W.T. Q-5
121st 302001014671 inside joke Q-6
124th 29204518410 Lego Queens of Girl Scout Troop 2612 Q-4
124th 29204518410 Lego Queens of Girl Scout Troop 2612 Q-6
126th 2752206973 Radical Robotics Q-2
127th 2550204266 Makin' Stuff Move Q-4
127th 25502016240 Chargers Q-5
127th 25200516240 Chargers Q-6
127th 25502017034 Gears of Liberty Q-3
127th 25502017034 Gears of Liberty Q-5
127th 25200518410 Lego Queens of Girl Scout Troop 2612 Q-1
133rd 2020003638 Atomic Shock Q-2
133rd 2000207163 The Bazinga Project Q-1
133rd 2000209898 98 Squared Q-1
133rd 20150511572 Mouse Spit Q-1
133rd 20002011572 Mouse Spit Q-2
133rd 20200014671 inside joke Q-3
133rd 20200016240 Chargers Q-1
140th 1801805395 Team Clutch Q-5
141st 17170013806 Project Agnizab Q-2
142nd 1454514134 N.E.W.T. Q-2
142nd 1454518410 Lego Queens of Girl Scout Troop 2612 Q-3
144th 1106512535 Revolutionary Robots Q-1
144th 1106514134 N.E.W.T. Q-3
144th 1156014134 N.E.W.T. Q-4
147th 10001014671 inside joke Q-1
147th 1050518410 Lego Queens of Girl Scout Troop 2612 Q-2
147th 1050518410 Lego Queens of Girl Scout Troop 2612 Q-5
150th 95404266 Makin' Stuff Move Q-2
151st 702514134 N.E.W.T. Q-1
152nd 500514134 N.E.W.T. Q-6
152nd 500514671 inside joke Q-2
152nd 550014671 inside joke Q-4
152nd 550016240 Chargers Q-3
152nd 500516240 Chargers Q-4
152nd 550017034 Gears of Liberty Q-1
152nd 550017034 Gears of Liberty Q-6
159th 000012766 ChouTime Q-3
159th 000014671 inside joke Q-5
159th 000016240 Chargers Q-2