2021 OH FTC Scrimmage #2 REMOTE

January 2 – 9, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 32180156858719 Quantum Leap Q-6
2nd 31087138858719 Quantum Leap Q-3
3rd 30292140708719 Quantum Leap Q-4
4th 30075140858719 Quantum Leap Q-5
5th 29499110858719 Quantum Leap Q-2
6th 23950104858719 Quantum Leap Q-1
7th 229801143518275 SubZero Q-6
8th 224771024518275 SubZero Q-3
9th 21992725518275 SubZero Q-5
10th 20192743518275 SubZero Q-4
11th 19265725518275 SubZero Q-1
12th 18435846518275 SubZero Q-2
13th 1778354406133 The "NUTS!" Q-3
14th 16756961513172 Centipede Q-2
15th 15951108013172 Centipede Q-4
16th 15241961513172 Centipede Q-5
17th 15141902013172 Centipede Q-1
18th 1473572406133 The "NUTS!" Q-4
19th 14341723013172 Centipede Q-3
20th 1404154458642 8 to Automate FTC Q-5
21st 1317130306133 The "NUTS!" Q-5
22nd 1297118406133 The "NUTS!" Q-2
22nd 12936484510464 The Bionic Tigers Q-3
24th 1254738408581 Ædificatores Q-3
24th 1254154308642 8 to Automate FTC Q-6
26th 1235924406133 The "NUTS!" Q-6
27th 1101748455040 Nuts & Bolts Q-6
27th 1104154158642 8 to Automate FTC Q-2
29th 1074116505040 Nuts & Bolts Q-2
29th 1074136308642 8 to Automate FTC Q-4
31st 10341422010464 The Bionic Tigers Q-6
32nd 1014160018508 TheRookies Q-2
33rd 9820483012013 RoboBacon Q-6
34th 9236362010464 The Bionic Tigers Q-5
34th 922958513172 Centipede Q-6
34th 9229481518508 TheRookies Q-4
37th 892054154969 Robot-X Q-3
37th 894148018508 TheRookies Q-6
39th 884142518508 TheRookies Q-1
40th 873512408581 Ædificatores Q-2
40th 8720521512013 RoboBacon Q-2
42nd 8620363012013 RoboBacon Q-4
43rd 853530208581 Ædificatores Q-5
44th 8432124011095 Loose Screws Q-6
44th 8417521518508 TheRookies Q-5
46th 82325008581 Ædificatores Q-4
47th 805030014365 Summit Knights Q-5
48th 77354204969 Robot-X Q-6
49th 7644122010464 The Bionic Tigers Q-1
49th 7620362011095 Loose Screws Q-1
51st 7520302511095 Loose Screws Q-5
52nd 742024304969 Robot-X Q-1
52nd 7420243012013 RoboBacon Q-5
52nd 745024014365 Summit Knights Q-1
55th 702030208581 Ædificatores Q-1
56th 691712408581 Ædificatores Q-6
57th 68548155040 Nuts & Bolts Q-5
57th 682028206133 The "NUTS!" Q-1
57th 684424011095 Loose Screws Q-4
60th 66036304969 Robot-X Q-5
61st 6532181511095 Loose Screws Q-3
62nd 6336121510464 The Bionic Tigers Q-4
63rd 613526014365 Summit Knights Q-6
64th 602040014365 Summit Knights Q-2
65th 594118018508 TheRookies Q-3
66th 573522014365 Summit Knights Q-4
67th 54534155040 Nuts & Bolts Q-1
68th 522626011095 Loose Screws Q-2
69th 50530155040 Nuts & Bolts Q-4
70th 4641058642 8 to Automate FTC Q-3
71st 451782010464 The Bionic Tigers Q-2
72nd 40004012569 STEMstangs Q-1
72nd 40004012569 STEMstangs Q-2
72nd 40004012569 STEMstangs Q-3
72nd 40004012569 STEMstangs Q-4
72nd 40004012569 STEMstangs Q-5
72nd 401426016657 We Did Start the Fire Q-6
78th 35350014365 Summit Knights Q-3
78th 352312016657 We Did Start the Fire Q-5
80th 33171605040 Nuts & Bolts Q-3
81st 32201204969 Robot-X Q-2
81st 32201204969 Robot-X Q-4
83rd 302001010851 WASA Q-1
83rd 302001010851 WASA Q-2
83rd 302001010851 WASA Q-4
83rd 302001010851 WASA Q-6
83rd 302001012653 Robot Legion Q-4
83rd 302001012653 Robot Legion Q-5
83rd 302001012653 Robot Legion Q-6
90th 2929008642 8 to Automate FTC Q-1
90th 29524012013 RoboBacon Q-3
90th 291712016657 We Did Start the Fire Q-4
93rd 25200516449 Juniper Robotics Q-1
93rd 25200516449 Juniper Robotics Q-2
93rd 25200516449 Juniper Robotics Q-3
96th 2402404360 Raider Robotics - Gold Q-3
97th 20002012569 STEMstangs Q-6
97th 20002014580 Event Horizon Q-2
97th 20002014580 Event Horizon Q-3
97th 20002014580 Event Horizon Q-4
97th 20002014580 Event Horizon Q-5
97th 20002014580 Event Horizon Q-6
103rd 1801804360 Raider Robotics - Gold Q-4
103rd 1801804360 Raider Robotics - Gold Q-6
105th 1601604360 Raider Robotics - Gold Q-1
106th 15501010851 WASA Q-3
106th 15501010851 WASA Q-5
106th 15501012653 Robot Legion Q-2
106th 15501012653 Robot Legion Q-3
106th 15150012768 INNOV-8 Q-1
111st 1156016657 We Did Start the Fire Q-2
112nd 1001004360 Raider Robotics - Gold Q-5
112nd 1050512013 RoboBacon Q-1
112nd 1050512653 Robot Legion Q-1
112nd 10010016657 We Did Start the Fire Q-3
116th 808012768 INNOV-8 Q-2
117th 60604360 Raider Robotics - Gold Q-2
118th 550013102 Undefined Q-1
118th 500514580 Event Horizon Q-1
118th 550016657 We Did Start the Fire Q-1
121st 000012768 INNOV-8 Q-3
121st 000012768 INNOV-8 Q-4
121st 000012768 INNOV-8 Q-5
121st 000012768 INNOV-8 Q-6