2021 IN FTC Metro League Meet #1 REMOTE

February 14 – 20, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 257801225512835 Pixelated Q-2
2nd 240681324012835 Pixelated Q-3
3rd 237831144012835 Pixelated Q-1
3rd 237561265512835 Pixelated Q-4
5th 204561084012835 Pixelated Q-6
6th 201471144012835 Pixelated Q-5
7th 16159102016501 Squirrel! Q-4
8th 1495396016501 Squirrel! Q-2
8th 14941108016501 Squirrel! Q-6
10th 14644102016501 Squirrel! Q-5
11th 14335108016501 Squirrel! Q-3
12th 1325082012091 Bermuda Bots Q-1
13th 1284484016501 Squirrel! Q-1
14th 12220525014596 XLR8 Q-6
15th 11038522014596 XLR8 Q-4
16th 10920543514596 XLR8 Q-1
17th 1025664012014 FireWires Q-2
18th 965604012014 FireWires Q-3
19th 90508512091 Bermuda Bots Q-3
19th 902007012091 Bermuda Bots Q-5
19th 905004018281 Caution! Q-1
19th 905004018281 Caution! Q-4
19th 905004018281 Caution! Q-5
24th 8520303514596 XLR8 Q-5
25th 8420442014596 XLR8 Q-3
25th 844404018281 Caution! Q-2
25th 844404018281 Caution! Q-3
25th 844404018281 Caution! Q-6
29th 7317164012014 FireWires Q-4
30th 6920341514617 Lamb Chop Warriors Q-5
31st 6420242012014 FireWires Q-5
32nd 6229181518174 MISHines Q-2
33rd 611564018721 Samurai Sushi Q-4
34th 60505512091 Bermuda Bots Q-4
35th 595243014617 Lamb Chop Warriors Q-6
35th 5926181518174 MISHines Q-6
37th 57552014596 XLR8 Q-2
37th 5729181018174 MISHines Q-1
37th 575124018721 Samurai Sushi Q-6
40th 552962012014 FireWires Q-6
40th 55505012091 Bermuda Bots Q-2
40th 555104018721 Samurai Sushi Q-5
43rd 5114122518174 MISHines Q-4
43rd 51564018721 Samurai Sushi Q-2
45th 48084018721 Samurai Sushi Q-1
46th 465261514617 Lamb Chop Warriors Q-3
47th 42298518174 MISHines Q-3
48th 412912018174 MISHines Q-5
49th 402002012014 FireWires Q-1
50th 385181514617 Lamb Chop Warriors Q-2
51st 302010014617 Lamb Chop Warriors Q-4
52nd 27202518721 Samurai Sushi Q-3
53rd 26206013402 Team with No Name Q-1
54th 25232013402 Team with No Name Q-2
55th 23518014617 Lamb Chop Warriors Q-1
56th 22202015022 Picked Last in Gym Class Q-2
57th 20200013401 RoboDucks - The Claw Q-1
57th 20510515022 Picked Last in Gym Class Q-4
59th 18180013402 Team with No Name Q-6
60th 17170013401 RoboDucks - The Claw Q-2
60th 17170013402 Team with No Name Q-4
62nd 1454515022 Picked Last in Gym Class Q-3
62nd 1454515022 Picked Last in Gym Class Q-5
64th 954015022 Picked Last in Gym Class Q-6
65th 880013401 RoboDucks - The Claw Q-4
65th 880013401 RoboDucks - The Claw Q-6
67th 752015022 Picked Last in Gym Class Q-1
68th 550012130 Fighting Botmen Q-1
68th 550012130 Fighting Botmen Q-2
68th 550012130 Fighting Botmen Q-3
68th 550012130 Fighting Botmen Q-4
68th 550012130 Fighting Botmen Q-5
68th 550012130 Fighting Botmen Q-6
68th 550013401 RoboDucks - The Claw Q-3
68th 550013402 Team with No Name Q-3
68th 550013402 Team with No Name Q-5
77th 000012091 Bermuda Bots Q-6
77th 000013401 RoboDucks - The Claw Q-5