18386 - Parallax Robotics

Rookie Year: 2020

Ohio FIRST Tech Challenge Championship

March 4 – 5, 2022
36th place (quals)
376 RP · 62.67 OPR · 62.67 AVG
Connect Award 3rd Place
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
18386 Parallax Robotics 68 17 72 73 73 73 376

OH - Wright Flyer Qualifier - Wilbur

February 14 – 20, 2022
20th place (quals)
286 RP · 47.67 OPR · 47.67 AVG
Connect Award Winner
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
18386 Parallax Robotics 61 59 42 15 42 67 286

OH Scarlet and Gray Event

January 21 – 22, 2022
Red Alliance Blue Alliance
Matches have not yet been reported for this event.

OH Miami University Regional Event

January 14 – 15, 2022
Red Alliance Blue Alliance
Matches have not yet been reported for this event.