| | | Finals |
F-1 110 - 140 | 8204 Blue Machine | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 17011 Mercenary Robotics |
F-2 151 - 187 | 8204 Blue Machine | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 17011 Mercenary Robotics |
| | | Semifinals |
SF1-1 173 - 49 | 8204 Blue Machine | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 17385 MCA Horsepower - Blue | 20195 Metal Mercenaries | 17348 MCA Horsepower - Gold |
SF1-2 126 - 104 | 8204 Blue Machine | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 17385 MCA Horsepower - Blue | 20195 Metal Mercenaries | 17348 MCA Horsepower - Gold |
SF2-1 130 - 133 | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 20166 Mercenary Penguins | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics | 20483 Wall East |
SF2-2 177 - 173 | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 20166 Mercenary Penguins | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics | 20483 Wall East |
SF2-3 246 - 132 | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 20166 Mercenary Penguins | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics | 20483 Wall East |
| | | Qualification Matches |
Q-1 134 - 100 | 13537 RoboChargers - Red | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 20166 Mercenary Penguins | 17385 MCA Horsepower - Blue |
Q-2 32 - 44 | 24504 RoboChargers - Yellow | 24448 RoboChargers - Orange | 18121 MiT - Mercenaries in Training | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics |
Q-3 112 - 61 | 12430 Dub East | 21743 Mercenary Robotics | 22332 Trojan Robotics - Blacksmiths of Troy | 20483 Wall East |
Q-4 144 - 49 | 8204 Blue Machine | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 17348 MCA Horsepower - Gold | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue |
Q-5 83 - 87 | 9386 Elmer and Elsie Robotics | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 18871 RoboChargers - Green | 20195 Metal Mercenaries |
Q-6 62 - 32 | 24743 Raider Robotics | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 20482 Wylie E. Robote | 24505 RoboChargers - Purple |
Q-7 85 - 8 | 12430 Dub East | 20483 Wall East | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 24504 RoboChargers - Yellow |
Q-8 91 - 105 | 22332 Trojan Robotics - Blacksmiths of Troy | 13537 RoboChargers - Red | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 18121 MiT - Mercenaries in Training |
Q-9 79 - 144 | 18871 RoboChargers - Green | 17385 MCA Horsepower - Blue | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 21743 Mercenary Robotics |
Q-10 88 - 0 | 20166 Mercenary Penguins | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 20482 Wylie E. Robote |
Q-11 106 - 22 | 9386 Elmer and Elsie Robotics | 8204 Blue Machine | 24505 RoboChargers - Purple | 24448 RoboChargers - Orange |
Q-12 65 - 103 | 20195 Metal Mercenaries | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics | 24743 Raider Robotics | 17348 MCA Horsepower - Gold |
Q-13 161 - 75 | 18871 RoboChargers - Green | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 18121 MiT - Mercenaries in Training | 20483 Wall East |
Q-14 65 - 67 | 22332 Trojan Robotics - Blacksmiths of Troy | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 17385 MCA Horsepower - Blue | 24504 RoboChargers - Yellow |
Q-15 108 - 75 | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 24448 RoboChargers - Orange | 24505 RoboChargers - Purple | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink |
Q-16 69 - 146 | 12430 Dub East | 24743 Raider Robotics | 8204 Blue Machine | 20166 Mercenary Penguins |
Q-17 84 - 101 | 20482 Wylie E. Robote | 20195 Metal Mercenaries | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics | 19564 The Marvels of MAS |
Q-18 94 - 102 | 17348 MCA Horsepower - Gold | 13537 RoboChargers - Red | 21743 Mercenary Robotics | 9386 Elmer and Elsie Robotics |
Q-19 21 - 183 | 24504 RoboChargers - Yellow | 24505 RoboChargers - Purple | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 17385 MCA Horsepower - Blue |
Q-20 39 - 50 | 20166 Mercenary Penguins | 22332 Trojan Robotics - Blacksmiths of Troy | 24448 RoboChargers - Orange | 18871 RoboChargers - Green |
Q-21 252 - 124 | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 18121 MiT - Mercenaries in Training | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 24743 Raider Robotics |
Q-22 80 - 38 | 17348 MCA Horsepower - Gold | 20482 Wylie E. Robote | 20483 Wall East | 13537 RoboChargers - Red |
Q-23 123 - 76 | 9386 Elmer and Elsie Robotics | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics | 12430 Dub East |
Q-24 53 - 62 | 21743 Mercenary Robotics | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 20195 Metal Mercenaries | 8204 Blue Machine |
Q-25 158 - 73 | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 22332 Trojan Robotics - Blacksmiths of Troy |
Q-26 50 - 22 | 24743 Raider Robotics | 24504 RoboChargers - Yellow | 13537 RoboChargers - Red | 18871 RoboChargers - Green |
Q-27 51 - 86 | 24448 RoboChargers - Orange | 17348 MCA Horsepower - Gold | 17385 MCA Horsepower - Blue | 12430 Dub East |
Q-28 72 - 54 | 20483 Wall East | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 20195 Metal Mercenaries |
Q-29 80 - 73 | 8204 Blue Machine | 20482 Wylie E. Robote | 18121 MiT - Mercenaries in Training | 9386 Elmer and Elsie Robotics |
Q-30 49 - 122 | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics | 24505 RoboChargers - Purple | 21743 Mercenary Robotics | 20166 Mercenary Penguins |
Q-31 148 - 98 | 24448 RoboChargers - Orange | 21171 The Marvels of M12 | 13537 RoboChargers - Red | 24743 Raider Robotics |
Q-32 31 - 24 | 19564 The Marvels of MAS | 18871 RoboChargers - Green | 17011 Mercenary Robotics | 17348 MCA Horsepower - Gold |
Q-33 161 - 75 | 17385 MCA Horsepower - Blue | 22332 Trojan Robotics - Blacksmiths of Troy | 20482 Wylie E. Robote | 9386 Elmer and Elsie Robotics |
Q-34 77 - 92 | 20483 Wall East | 17294 Over Dr!ve Robotics | 13552 RoboChargers - Pink | 8204 Blue Machine |
Q-35 64 - 104 | 13542 RoboChargers - Blue | 21743 Mercenary Robotics | 24504 RoboChargers - Yellow | 20166 Mercenary Penguins |
Q-36 30 - 57 | 24505 RoboChargers - Purple | 18121 MiT - Mercenaries in Training | 20195 Metal Mercenaries | 12430 Dub East |