Inspire Award Winners

  1. 20025 - Esquimalt Atom Smashers
  2. 16195 - Guild of Builders
  3. 3491 - FIX IT

Winning Alliance

  1. 18840 - Reynolds Reybots Too
  2. 16205 - Lightning Bots

Finalist Alliance

  1. 17453 - T.U.R.B.O.
  2. 23981 - Pearsonites

Think Award Winners

  1. 3491 - FIX IT

Connect Award Winners

  1. 16195 - Guild of Builders

Innovate Award Winners

  1. 18840 - Reynolds Reybots Too

Design Award Winners

  1. 16205 - Lightning Bots

Motivate Award Winners

  1. 22557 - RAMBOTS

Control Award Winners

  1. 17453 - T.U.R.B.O.

Judges' Choice Award Winners