Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 8520234202017658 Wildcat Robotics 20325 Maximum Resistance Q-9Red
2nd 742030240020325 Maximum Resistance 14445 Poseidons Q-1Blue
3rd 73202330006566 Circuit Breakers 20325 Maximum Resistance Q-7Red
4th 644013110013472 The Dork Side 16412 Triad Robotics Q-8Blue
5th 632219220016412 Triad Robotics 9161 Overload Q-4Blue
6th 552012230020325 Maximum Resistance 18072 BCS Battery Acid Q-5Red
7th 530163702011030 Metal Jackets 20325 Maximum Resistance Q-12Blue
8th 522018140018072 BCS Battery Acid 16412 Triad Robotics Q-6Red
8th 52023290018072 BCS Battery Acid 13472 The Dork Side Q-11Red
10th 512014170013472 The Dork Side 14445 Poseidons Q-3Red
11th 48201513006566 Circuit Breakers 13472 The Dork Side Q-5Blue
12th 472010170016412 Triad Robotics 11030 Metal Jackets Q-1Red
13th 452010150011030 Metal Jackets 14445 Poseidons Q-10Blue
14th 33016170013472 The Dork Side 13811 High Voltage Q-10Red
15th 3121019009161 Overload 11030 Metal Jackets Q-13Blue
16th 29210170017658 Wildcat Robotics 9161 Overload Q-2Red
17th 2821016009161 Overload 18072 BCS Battery Acid Q-9Blue
18th 25011140011030 Metal Jackets 17658 Wildcat Robotics Q-6Blue
19th 2208140013811 High Voltage 11030 Metal Jackets Q-4Red
20th 212811009161 Overload 6566 Circuit Breakers Q-8Red
21st 20010100013811 High Voltage 16412 Triad Robotics Q-11Blue
22nd 170980018072 BCS Battery Acid 17658 Wildcat Robotics Q-3Blue
23rd 14068006566 Circuit Breakers 17658 Wildcat Robotics Q-12Red
24th 100550014445 Poseidons 18072 BCS Battery Acid Q-13Red
25th 20020013811 High Voltage 6566 Circuit Breakers Q-2Blue
25th 20020014445 Poseidons 13811 High Voltage Q-7Blue