Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 1304053370011841 STEAM Punks 22972 Excalibur Q-15Blue
2nd 1174053240022534 The Function Machine 11841 STEAM Punks Q-12Red
3rd 954028270022534 The Function Machine 772 Golden Dragons Q-7Blue
4th 77045320014914 Phoenix Phorge 11444 Garnet Squadron Q-6Blue
5th 7003832009121 Falcon Force 11444 Garnet Squadron Q-13Red
6th 692028210014914 Phoenix Phorge 11841 STEAM Punks Q-9Blue
7th 6820272100772 Golden Dragons 11444 Garnet Squadron Q-14Blue
8th 662028180011444 Garnet Squadron 22534 The Function Machine Q-4Blue
9th 65041240022534 The Function Machine 22972 Excalibur Q-10Blue
10th 612219200011841 STEAM Punks 9121 Falcon Force Q-5Blue
11th 542029500327 The Lobotomists 22534 The Function Machine Q-15Red
12th 522020120022972 Excalibur 772 Golden Dragons Q-2Blue
13th 500292100772 Golden Dragons 12517 Robo-Zombies Q-8Red
14th 45027180011444 Garnet Squadron 11454 Penguineers Q-3Red
15th 3922017009121 Falcon Force 22972 Excalibur Q-7Red
16th 38016220022972 Excalibur 327 The Lobotomists Q-11Red
17th 36021150011444 Garnet Squadron 12517 Robo-Zombies Q-10Red
18th 32219110014914 Phoenix Phorge 9121 Falcon Force Q-11Blue
19th 310201100772 Golden Dragons 14914 Phoenix Phorge Q-4Red
20th 3001317009121 Falcon Force 327 The Lobotomists Q-3Blue
21st 2902450012517 Robo-Zombies 14914 Phoenix Phorge Q-14Red
22nd 2820530022972 Excalibur 12517 Robo-Zombies Q-5Red
23rd 26020600327 The Lobotomists 11841 STEAM Punks Q-6Red
23rd 2620600011454 Penguineers 772 Golden Dragons Q-12Blue
25th 2419141011454 Penguineers 9121 Falcon Force Q-9Red
26th 2009110011454 Penguineers 327 The Lobotomists Q-8Blue
27th 160880012517 Robo-Zombies 11454 Penguineers Q-13Blue
28th 400400327 The Lobotomists 14914 Phoenix Phorge Q-1Red
29th 20020012517 Robo-Zombies 22534 The Function Machine Q-1Blue
30th 00000011841 STEAM Punks 11454 Penguineers Q-2Red