2022 NY-NYC Scrimmage

October 15, 2022
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 680303802017522 ETech Chargers 14212 Metrobotics Q-7Red
2nd 53030230018657 AIM Robotics 14212 Metrobotics Q-9Blue
3rd 51022290020233 Blazing Bluebots 8500 The Generals Q-5Red
4th 44321201015580 Robo-Synthesis 17522 ETech Chargers Q-10Blue
5th 39028110022324 ETech Spare Parts 8500 The Generals Q-9Red
6th 3803170017522 ETech Chargers 14413 Trinity Tigers Q-5Blue
7th 34320111011943 The Nighthawks 15580 Robo-Synthesis Q-6Red
7th 34017170020233 Blazing Bluebots 22324 ETech Spare Parts Q-8Red
9th 2631851014413 Trinity Tigers 15580 Robo-Synthesis Q-7Blue
10th 25011140017522 ETech Chargers 10539 Ultro Q-2Red
11th 2108130010539 Ultro 18657 AIM Robotics Q-4Red
12th 1901630014212 Metrobotics 11943 The Nighthawks Q-1Red
13th 1801080014212 Metrobotics 16798 Redhawk Robotics Q-4Blue
14th 1401130011943 The Nighthawks 8500 The Generals Q-3Blue
14th 14086008500 The Generals 16798 Redhawk Robotics Q-8Blue
16th 90450022324 ETech Spare Parts 10539 Ultro Q-6Blue
17th 70430016798 Redhawk Robotics 15580 Robo-Synthesis Q-3Red
18th 30300016798 Redhawk Robotics 18657 AIM Robotics Q-10Red
19th 20020014413 Trinity Tigers 22324 ETech Spare Parts Q-2Blue
20th 00000018657 AIM Robotics 20233 Blazing Bluebots Q-1Blue