2022 NY-NYC Qualifier 4

December 4, 2022
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 1322075370018657 AIM Robotics 20233 Blazing Bluebots F-1Blue
2nd 1303066340018657 AIM Robotics 20233 Blazing Bluebots F-3Blue
3rd 106070360018657 AIM Robotics 20233 Blazing Bluebots SF2-3Red
4th 103215032105361 Lionotics 9384 Hydraulic Hydras F-2Red
5th 992052270010392 The Rolling Drones 5361 Lionotics Q-31Blue
6th 98235421105361 Lionotics 8088 Team Cephalopods F-1Red
7th 97275515505361 Lionotics 8087 Seahorse Stallions Q-19Red
8th 96236112105361 Lionotics 8088 Team Cephalopods SF1-1Red
9th 90413415105361 Lionotics 9384 Hydraulic Hydras SF1-2Red
10th 882035330012422 Byting Bulldogs 18657 AIM Robotics Q-6Blue
11th 862742175022519 Riptide Riders 5361 Lionotics Q-23Red
12th 76202927003006 TeraBots 18657 AIM Robotics Q-12Red
12th 7604828004785 Anonymous Autonomous 4995 Titanium Tigers SF2-1Blue
14th 6934026103006 TeraBots 4995 Titanium Tigers SF2-2Blue
15th 67202621009294 Big Bots Corp. 18657 AIM Robotics Q-31Red
15th 6724619204785 Anonymous Autonomous 4995 Titanium Tigers SF2-3Blue
17th 662032140018657 AIM Robotics 3371 Bötley Crüe Q-26Blue
18th 641029250020233 Blazing Bluebots 21377 Botsworth Q-30Red
19th 61103318003371 Bötley Crüe 20233 Blazing Bluebots Q-16Blue
20th 60102327009294 Big Bots Corp. 20233 Blazing Bluebots Q-9Blue
20th 60103218008721 Mighty Mechanics 20233 Blazing Bluebots Q-21Blue
22nd 591234130013475 Lionotics 2 3371 Bötley Crüe Q-10Red
22nd 59212612109384 Hydraulic Hydras 4995 Titanium Tigers Q-15Blue
22nd 59338181018657 AIM Robotics 14639 B3VR SF2-2Red
25th 561516253022519 Riptide Riders 4785 Anonymous Autonomous Q-32Red
26th 53026270018657 AIM Robotics 9137 BECA Hexabots Q-18Blue
27th 52033190018657 AIM Robotics 20233 Blazing Bluebots SF2-1Red
28th 51151719304785 Anonymous Autonomous 22053 Liberty Robotics Q-20Red
29th 492015140020233 Blazing Bluebots 22519 Riptide Riders Q-2Red
29th 49031180013475 Lionotics 2 8088 Team Cephalopods Q-21Red
31st 4803018008088 Team Cephalopods 9137 BECA Hexabots Q-29Blue
32nd 4631924108087 Seahorse Stallions 14639 B3VR Q-4Blue
32nd 46524175022053 Liberty Robotics 5361 Lionotics Q-5Blue
34th 451386105361 Lionotics 9384 Hydraulic Hydras F-3Red
35th 4333641018657 AIM Robotics 14639 B3VR F-2Blue
36th 4222515003006 TeraBots 9384 Hydraulic Hydras Q-2Blue
36th 4222614008087 Seahorse Stallions 13475 Lionotics 2 Q-33Blue
38th 415306505361 Lionotics 12422 Byting Bulldogs Q-11Red
39th 40315221010392 The Rolling Drones 22519 Riptide Riders Q-8Blue
39th 4002416004995 Titanium Tigers 9137 BECA Hexabots Q-9Red
41st 3811918109384 Hydraulic Hydras 14803 uKnighted Q-10Blue
42nd 37317171010392 The Rolling Drones 22519 Riptide Riders SF1-2Blue
43rd 320266008088 Team Cephalopods 14803 uKnighted Q-17Red
43rd 32214160014639 B3VR 22053 Liberty Robotics Q-27Blue
45th 3121712009295 Heroines 8087 Seahorse Stallions Q-13Red
46th 30013170010392 The Rolling Drones 22186 Ticking Time Bots Q-25Red
47th 29018110022186 Ticking Time Bots 4780 Robolution Q-7Red
47th 2921017204785 Anonymous Autonomous 4780 Robolution Q-13Blue
49th 28013150022186 Ticking Time Bots 3006 TeraBots Q-19Blue
49th 2811314104780 Robolution 9384 Hydraulic Hydras Q-22Red
51st 271188109385 Team Leviathan 9384 Hydraulic Hydras Q-29Red
52nd 262816204785 Anonymous Autonomous 3006 TeraBots Q-24Red
52nd 2610133008087 Seahorse Stallions 10393 Pink Droyd Q-26Red
54th 25799704995 Titanium Tigers 3006 TeraBots Q-28Red
55th 2431291022053 Liberty Robotics 8088 Team Cephalopods Q-12Blue
55th 2421210004995 Titanium Tigers 9295 Heroines Q-23Blue
55th 24010140010392 The Rolling Drones 9294 Big Bots Corp. SF1-1Blue
58th 2231091014639 B3VR 10393 Pink Droyd Q-8Red
58th 2220020013475 Lionotics 2 9294 Big Bots Corp. Q-14Blue
60th 2138101012422 Byting Bulldogs 22053 Liberty Robotics Q-16Red
60th 2138101014639 B3VR 12422 Byting Bulldogs Q-22Blue
62nd 200911003371 Bötley Crüe 10392 The Rolling Drones Q-1Red
62nd 2001190010393 Pink Droyd 8088 Team Cephalopods Q-3Blue
64th 1901180014803 uKnighted 10393 Pink Droyd Q-30Blue
65th 15069008721 Mighty Mechanics 10392 The Rolling Drones Q-15Red
66th 14275009295 Heroines 21377 Botsworth Q-18Red
67th 13265009295 Heroines 8721 Mighty Mechanics Q-27Red
68th 120480014803 uKnighted 4785 Anonymous Autonomous Q-6Red
69th 11335104780 Robolution 22519 Riptide Riders Q-17Blue
70th 10235009385 Team Leviathan 9295 Heroines Q-1Blue
71st 8035009294 Big Bots Corp. 22186 Ticking Time Bots Q-3Red
71st 80350021377 Botsworth 9294 Big Bots Corp. Q-24Blue
71st 8035003371 Bötley Crüe 22186 Ticking Time Bots Q-32Blue
74th 70520021377 Botsworth 4995 Titanium Tigers Q-4Red
74th 7025009137 BECA Hexabots 13475 Lionotics 2 Q-5Red
76th 6033009137 BECA Hexabots 14803 uKnighted Q-25Blue
76th 6024004780 Robolution 13475 Lionotics 2 Q-28Blue
78th 50320012422 Byting Bulldogs 9385 Team Leviathan Q-33Red
79th 2002008721 Mighty Mechanics 9385 Team Leviathan Q-7Blue
79th 20020010393 Pink Droyd 9385 Team Leviathan Q-20Blue
81st 00000021377 Botsworth 8721 Mighty Mechanics Q-11Blue
81st 0000009385 Team Leviathan 14639 B3VR Q-14Red