2023 MOKS-MO Discovery Elementary AM

January 7, 2023
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 108442143405108 Amish Electricians 2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School Q-2Red
2nd 902016540202866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School 7424 Robotic Warriors Q-6Red
3rd 84243030407424 Robotic Warriors 5108 Amish Electricians Q-11Blue
4th 824017250022005 Dark Horse 2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School Q-12Blue
5th 70122471202866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School 18600 White Rats Q-8Blue
6th 56201719002867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School 5108 Amish Electricians Q-3Red
7th 54202014007424 Robotic Warriors 22005 Dark Horse Q-2Blue
8th 502115141018600 White Rats 7424 Robotic Warriors Q-4Red
9th 48241684018600 White Rats 5108 Amish Electricians Q-10Blue
10th 4524165405108 Amish Electricians 19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology Q-8Red
11th 4330850022005 Dark Horse 2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School Q-7Blue
12th 37013240019950 YeeYee Institute of Technology 2866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School Q-9Blue
13th 3201121007424 Robotic Warriors 2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School Q-10Red
13th 32115161018600 White Rats 2867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School Q-12Red
15th 3041016402866 Territory of Static, Pattonville High School 16708 Men In Black Q-4Blue
16th 29014150016708 Men In Black 7424 Robotic Warriors Q-7Red
17th 2611691016708 Men In Black 18600 White Rats Q-5Blue
18th 24011130022005 Dark Horse 19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology Q-3Blue
18th 240222005108 Amish Electricians 22005 Dark Horse Q-5Red
20th 2201210002867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School 16708 Men In Black Q-1Blue
21st 193971019950 YeeYee Institute of Technology 18600 White Rats Q-1Red
22nd 1801350016708 Men In Black 22005 Dark Horse Q-9Red
23rd 1501230019950 YeeYee Institute of Technology 16708 Men In Black Q-11Red
24th 9045002867 Degrees of Freedom, Pattonville High School 19950 YeeYee Institute of Technology Q-6Blue