Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 12246294762018093 SWAT 13365 Gearheads Q-7Blue
2nd 11123404832016751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) 13365 Gearheads Q-2Blue
3rd 1082326593206206 Ohms Olympians 13365 Gearheads Q-9Red
4th 1072438454208620 Wormgear Warriors 7129 Robo Raiders Q-5Red
5th 982034440208620 Wormgear Warriors 18093 SWAT Q-14Red
6th 97223144207129 Robo Raiders 19938 Knights of the Ping Pong Table Q-8Blue
7th 952027480206206 Ohms Olympians 8620 Wormgear Warriors Q-1Blue
8th 9323264432015410 Welded Warriors 16751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-6Red
9th 812337213016751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) 19938 Knights of the Ping Pong Table Q-11Blue
10th 79253222505187 Transistor Titans 8620 Wormgear Warriors Q-6Blue
11th 672320243011752 Orphan Bots 16751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-4Red
12th 65232715305187 Transistor Titans 19938 Knights of the Ping Pong Table Q-2Red
12th 652526143013365 Gearheads 10254 MCHS RoboLions Q-4Blue
14th 6103427006206 Ohms Olympians 7129 Robo Raiders Q-12Blue
15th 552217160010254 MCHS RoboLions 16751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-13Blue
16th 53338123019938 Knights of the Ping Pong Table 15410 Welded Warriors Q-13Red
17th 452011140015410 Welded Warriors 11752 Orphan Bots Q-8Red
18th 3741815007129 Robo Raiders 5187 Transistor Titans Q-10Red
19th 35016190015410 Welded Warriors 6206 Ohms Olympians Q-3Blue
20th 32019130011752 Orphan Bots 5187 Transistor Titans Q-14Blue
21st 312263005187 Transistor Titans 10254 MCHS RoboLions Q-7Red
21st 31315133018093 SWAT 6206 Ohms Olympians Q-11Red
23rd 302055008620 Wormgear Warriors 15410 Welded Warriors Q-9Blue
24th 2601790019938 Knights of the Ping Pong Table 18093 SWAT Q-5Blue
25th 24012120013365 Gearheads 5187 Transistor Titans Q-12Red
26th 1821600010254 MCHS RoboLions 7129 Robo Raiders Q-1Red
27th 62220011752 Orphan Bots 10254 MCHS RoboLions Q-10Blue
28th 20020018093 SWAT 11752 Orphan Bots Q-3Red