2022 IA Wind_Meet_2022-12-10

December 10, 2022
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 1484672306019368 Manufactured Chaos 13416 JagWires Q-20Blue
2nd 121582343018050 Team Photon 19368 Manufactured Chaos Q-14Blue
3rd 1171274310014375 We Over Slept 18050 Team Photon Q-18Blue
4th 11658724507332 DodgerBOTS 13186 Lactose Intolerance Q-11Red
5th 10937531307332 DodgerBOTS 19368 Manufactured Chaos Q-8Red
6th 1073642296019368 Manufactured Chaos 3738 The Error Codes Q-17Red
7th 1062059270014452 Biohazard Bots 19368 Manufactured Chaos Q-5Blue
8th 964028280013416 JagWires 5126 DICE Q-16Red
9th 93304023005126 DICE 3738 The Error Codes Q-13Blue
10th 80203228005126 DICE 18050 Team Photon Q-21Blue
11th 73104320003738 The Error Codes 18050 Team Photon Q-6Red
12th 682024240013416 JagWires 21948 To Be Determined Q-7Blue
13th 64202717005126 DICE 8887 Marshalltown BotCats Q-10Red
14th 581030180014375 We Over Slept 8649 Warewolves Q-2Blue
15th 57201522006025 Low Battery 10185 Data Miners Q-22Red
16th 56202880021948 To Be Determined 5126 DICE Q-4Red
17th 52202480013416 JagWires 10599 GMG Robotics Q-11Blue
18th 50202010007332 DodgerBOTS 6025 Low Battery Q-5Red
18th 50151520503738 The Error Codes 13186 Lactose Intolerance Q-22Blue
20th 49103450010185 Data Miners 14375 We Over Slept Q-14Red
21st 48201513003738 The Error Codes 13416 JagWires Q-2Red
22nd 4723780018050 Team Photon 9973 Scrap Mechanics Q-1Blue
23rd 4632716109973 Scrap Mechanics 7332 DodgerBOTS Q-24Blue
24th 4402222008887 Marshalltown BotCats 7332 DodgerBOTS Q-15Blue
25th 424308408649 Warewolves 13186 Lactose Intolerance Q-8Blue
26th 40022180021948 To Be Determined 8887 Marshalltown BotCats Q-20Red
27th 37024130010069 Amazing Autonomous Anonymous 6025 Low Battery Q-1Red
28th 31315131010069 Amazing Autonomous Anonymous 14452 Biohazard Bots Q-23Blue
29th 3002010006025 Low Battery 10599 GMG Robotics Q-16Blue
30th 29108110021746 CADapillars 10069 Amazing Autonomous Anonymous Q-7Red
31st 2720520013186 Lactose Intolerance 14452 Biohazard Bots Q-18Red
32nd 232165006025 Low Battery 15071 Gearheads Q-12Blue
32nd 2301580021746 CADapillars 9973 Scrap Mechanics Q-19Red
34th 22210100015071 Gearheads 10069 Amazing Autonomous Anonymous Q-17Blue
34th 2210750021746 CADapillars 14375 We Over Slept Q-24Red
36th 21011100013186 Lactose Intolerance 10185 Data Miners Q-4Blue
37th 201037008887 Marshalltown BotCats 21746 CADapillars Q-3Blue
38th 180108009973 Scrap Mechanics 21948 To Be Determined Q-15Red
39th 170980010599 GMG Robotics 8649 Warewolves Q-23Red
40th 163941014375 We Over Slept 10069 Amazing Autonomous Anonymous Q-10Blue
41st 120480010599 GMG Robotics 8887 Marshalltown BotCats Q-6Blue
41st 12075008649 Warewolves 10185 Data Miners Q-19Blue
43rd 102350015071 Gearheads 14452 Biohazard Bots Q-9Blue
44th 90540010185 Data Miners 9973 Scrap Mechanics Q-9Red
45th 60330014452 Biohazard Bots 21746 CADapillars Q-13Red
46th 30120010599 GMG Robotics 15071 Gearheads Q-3Red
46th 30120021948 To Be Determined 8649 Warewolves Q-12Red
48th 20020015071 Gearheads 7332 DodgerBOTS Q-21Red