2022 IA Nuclear_Meet_2022-11-12

November 12, 2022
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 592018210014736 Shell Bots 10656 Falcon Bots Q-4Red
1st 59129291013206 Wave Droids 14736 Shell Bots Q-8Blue
3rd 58201622008922 STEAMpunks 9203 Chaotic Cool Cats Q-14Red
4th 56225290010383 RoboWarriors 7495 Axtell 2.0 Q-13Blue
5th 53024290013206 Wave Droids 10383 RoboWarriors Q-18Red
6th 51120301013460 Phantastix Phoenixes 14736 Shell Bots Q-19Blue
7th 4852221306420 Sabre-HOOF Tigers 9203 Chaotic Cool Cats Q-20Red
8th 4602125009203 Chaotic Cool Cats 10656 Falcon Bots Q-18Blue
9th 4522221009968 CrossFire 6661 Starmont Sundevils Q-13Red
10th 44201014007247 The H2O Loo Bots 8922 STEAMpunks Q-6Blue
11th 4322138006661 Starmont Sundevils 7247 The H2O Loo Bots Q-11Blue
12th 411217120013460 Phantastix Phoenixes 6661 Starmont Sundevils Q-15Red
13th 4021622007495 Axtell 2.0 9203 Chaotic Cool Cats Q-9Red
13th 4020155006625 Allerton 2.0 7247 The H2O Loo Bots Q-9Blue
13th 40109210020404 Fatal Falcons 13460 Phantastix Phoenixes Q-12Blue
16th 3520105007247 The H2O Loo Bots 20404 Fatal Falcons Q-19Red
17th 34113201020404 Fatal Falcons 14736 Shell Bots Q-2Red
18th 31108130013460 Phantastix Phoenixes 8922 STEAMpunks Q-3Red
18th 31101290013206 Wave Droids 13460 Phantastix Phoenixes Q-5Blue
20th 3012126007495 Axtell 2.0 13206 Wave Droids Q-2Blue
20th 300228007247 The H2O Loo Bots 7495 Axtell 2.0 Q-16Red
22nd 29213140010656 Falcon Bots 9968 CrossFire Q-7Red
22nd 29111171014736 Shell Bots 6420 Sabre-HOOF Tigers Q-14Blue
24th 28018100020404 Fatal Falcons 10383 RoboWarriors Q-15Blue
24th 2841014007495 Axtell 2.0 6661 Starmont Sundevils Q-20Blue
26th 262033006420 Sabre-HOOF Tigers 8922 STEAMpunks Q-10Blue
27th 2509160010656 Falcon Bots 20404 Fatal Falcons Q-10Red
27th 253139109968 CrossFire 6420 Sabre-HOOF Tigers Q-17Blue
29th 240177009203 Chaotic Cool Cats 20404 Fatal Falcons Q-7Blue
29th 240816008922 STEAMpunks 10656 Falcon Bots Q-16Blue
29th 2419141014736 Shell Bots 6625 Allerton 2.0 Q-17Red
32nd 2302030010383 RoboWarriors 7247 The H2O Loo Bots Q-1Blue
32nd 2321011009203 Chaotic Cool Cats 9968 CrossFire Q-3Blue
32nd 23599306420 Sabre-HOOF Tigers 7495 Axtell 2.0 Q-5Red
35th 212109006661 Starmont Sundevils 6625 Allerton 2.0 Q-4Blue
36th 150780010383 RoboWarriors 13460 Phantastix Phoenixes Q-8Red
37th 120480010656 Falcon Bots 6625 Allerton 2.0 Q-12Red
38th 10046008922 STEAMpunks 13206 Wave Droids Q-21Red
39th 9333306625 Allerton 2.0 6420 Sabre-HOOF Tigers Q-1Red
39th 9225006661 Starmont Sundevils 10383 RoboWarriors Q-6Red
41st 5212009968 CrossFire 13206 Wave Droids Q-11Red
42nd 4310106625 Allerton 2.0 9968 CrossFire Q-21Blue