2022 CA- SoCal League W - Meet 0

November 12, 2022
Total NP Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Cone Circuit Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 82061210019198 Roborunners 21936 SaMoTech Q-17Red
2nd 812041200016321 X Drive 19198 Roborunners Q-21Blue
3rd 782541125021936 SaMoTech 22676 UNIverse Q-22Red
4th 733022210022533 X-Gear 20799 CyberDragons Westley Q-12Blue
5th 633316143014863 RGB 9887 CyberDragons Buttercup Q-1Blue
6th 591024250022813 Life ... is Robots 20799 CyberDragons Westley Q-21Red
7th 572021160014863 RGB 22533 X-Gear Q-15Blue
8th 5654295016795 Galaxy 21936 SaMoTech Q-4Blue
9th 55038170022082 Ziptide 22533 X-Gear Q-7Red
9th 55143294021936 SaMoTech 16321 X Drive Q-9Blue
11th 5440860016326 Roadbotics 16795 Galaxy Q-9Red
12th 52532155022472 Mighty Bugs 21936 SaMoTech Q-12Red
13th 49202630022676 UNIverse 16321 X Drive Q-2Blue
14th 4703890016321 X Drive 22472 Mighty Bugs Q-5Red
15th 46301060020799 CyberDragons Westley 16326 Roadbotics Q-3Red
15th 462011150016326 Roadbotics 14863 RGB Q-6Red
17th 43029140019198 Roborunners 22082 Ziptide Q-13Red
18th 4203390022472 Mighty Bugs 19198 Roborunners Q-8Blue
19th 4010921009887 CyberDragons Buttercup 22813 Life ... is Robots Q-10Red
20th 351012130022740 Bot Bot 20799 CyberDragons Westley Q-6Blue
20th 3510718009887 CyberDragons Buttercup 22675 The Swifties Q-14Red
20th 35101690020799 CyberDragons Westley 22472 Mighty Bugs Q-16Blue
23rd 34314171022031 Spiraling Circuits 22030 RobTot Q-19Blue
24th 32101111009887 CyberDragons Buttercup 16795 Galaxy Q-19Red
25th 29017120022082 Ziptide 22472 Mighty Bugs Q-20Blue
26th 2821790022740 Bot Bot 14863 RGB Q-20Red
27th 24210120022740 Bot Bot 22031 Spiraling Circuits Q-2Red
27th 2420040022533 X-Gear 22676 UNIverse Q-18Red
29th 22012100022675 The Swifties 16326 Roadbotics Q-18Blue
30th 2021530022676 UNIverse 22740 Bot Bot Q-10Blue
31st 183783022030 RobTot 14863 RGB Q-11Red
31st 182790022675 The Swifties 22031 Spiraling Circuits Q-11Blue
31st 182880022031 Spiraling Circuits 16795 Galaxy Q-16Red
31st 180711009887 CyberDragons Buttercup 22030 RobTot Q-22Blue
35th 1601060022533 X-Gear 19198 Roborunners Q-1Red
35th 1610330022676 UNIverse 9887 CyberDragons Buttercup Q-5Blue
37th 120750022030 RobTot 16321 X Drive Q-15Red
37th 122550022082 Ziptide 22740 Bot Bot Q-17Blue
39th 90450022675 The Swifties 22030 RobTot Q-8Red
40th 74120022030 RobTot 22082 Ziptide Q-3Blue
40th 72232022031 Spiraling Circuits 22813 Life ... is Robots Q-7Blue
40th 70430016795 Galaxy 22676 UNIverse Q-13Blue
40th 70250022813 Life ... is Robots 16326 Roadbotics Q-14Blue
44th 20020022813 Life ... is Robots 22675 The Swifties Q-4Red