2021 WA Turing League Meet #1

November 13, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Freight Hub 1 Shared Shared Tipped Delivery Capping Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 231688083122122054016379 KookyBotz 16942 Minutemen Q-12Red
2nd 1664732876082048016942 Minutemen 19708 The Emerald Bots Q-6Blue
3rd 1626431776002054014179 Sushi Squad 19708 The Emerald Bots Q-14Blue
4th 157605453120122024016379 KookyBotz 14179 Sushi Squad Q-1Blue
5th 14831685918082036016942 Minutemen 14179 Sushi Squad Q-8Red
6th 1452626936082054018282 Wires2Spark 19708 The Emerald Bots Q-13Red
7th 144335457000048019708 The Emerald Bots 16379 KookyBotz Q-8Blue
8th 1352864631804054016379 KookyBotz 18282 Wires2Spark Q-7Red
9th 126223084624204806188 SiBorgs 16942 Minutemen Q-2Red
10th 12523643818042018014179 Sushi Squad 12069 Cataclysm Q-5Red
11th 1202032680002048016942 Minutemen 18079 Accidental Success Q-11Blue
12th 113224942600036017303 Panther Robotics 16379 KookyBotz Q-13Blue
13th 100423127600018018079 Accidental Success 6188 SiBorgs Q-14Red
14th 931976760004806188 SiBorgs 19708 The Emerald Bots Q-10Blue
15th 79032470082018012069 Cataclysm 16942 Minutemen Q-3Blue
16th 78291633600024019708 The Emerald Bots 18079 Accidental Success Q-3Red
17th 7218757224048012069 Cataclysm 18282 Wires2Spark Q-10Red
18th 71434048000042016379 KookyBotz 6188 SiBorgs Q-4Red
19th 69133224020018018079 Accidental Success 17303 Panther Robotics Q-9Red
20th 672635361804030014179 Sushi Squad 6188 SiBorgs Q-6Red
20th 6715161000042018282 Wires2Spark 6188 SiBorgs Q-9Blue
22nd 6613746000030017303 Panther Robotics 18282 Wires2Spark Q-5Blue
22nd 66396400004806188 SiBorgs 12069 Cataclysm Q-12Blue
24th 6432833000024018282 Wires2Spark 18079 Accidental Success Q-2Blue
24th 64132427000018018079 Accidental Success 12069 Cataclysm Q-7Blue
26th 5520233020024019708 The Emerald Bots 17303 Panther Robotics Q-4Blue
27th 390534004018012069 Cataclysm 17303 Panther Robotics Q-1Red
28th 3201042008036017303 Panther Robotics 14179 Sushi Squad Q-11Red