2022 WA Feynman Interleague Tournament

January 13 – 15, 2022
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Freight Hub 1 Shared Shared Tipped Delivery Capping Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 264849486180242054011109 Pirate Tekerz 3805 Atomic Robotics F-1Red
2nd 262848296184242054011109 Pirate Tekerz 3805 Atomic Robotics F-2Red
3rd 242848286184362054011109 Pirate Tekerz 3805 Atomic Robotics SF1-1Red
4th 23468749212032206008628 Chickenados 11109 Pirate Tekerz Q-4Red
5th 233788273124005407462 Not to Scale 8628 Chickenados SF2-2Red
6th 218646490182322054014563 Teriffic Tech Bots 11109 Pirate Tekerz Q-10Red
6th 218788466120005407462 Not to Scale 8628 Chickenados F-1Blue
8th 209815474186242048011109 Pirate Tekerz 18015 Omega Squad Q-8Blue
9th 20581686618428054011109 Pirate Tekerz 7462 Not to Scale Q-12Blue
10th 1997861601201205407462 Not to Scale 8628 Chickenados SF2-1Red
11th 19852747262006007462 Not to Scale 8628 Chickenados F-2Blue
12th 19151548612216205403805 Atomic Robotics 16113 Omega Squad Q-2Blue
13th 1905282766232054011109 Pirate Tekerz 3805 Atomic Robotics SF1-2Red
14th 1816857661201205407462 Not to Scale 8628 Chickenados Q-20Red
15th 18068644812016042014563 Teriffic Tech Bots 3805 Atomic Robotics Q-13Blue
16th 1775836931208206007198 Mechanical Minks 3805 Atomic Robotics Q-19Red
17th 1747840661241206003805 Atomic Robotics 3861 Vashon Pi-r8s "Pirates" Q-8Red
18th 1735858571242404808628 Chickenados 7676 Whidbey Island Wildcats Q-15Blue
19th 17149388460162048018015 Omega Squad 18693 4-H Botsmiths Q-20Blue
20th 1664244806042054018693 4-H Botsmiths 8628 Chickenados Q-7Red
21st 1658142421800036011109 Pirate Tekerz 7198 Mechanical Minks Q-21Red
22nd 16052686060405403805 Atomic Robotics 15117 Olympic Dragons Q-6Red
23rd 1574724966012205407462 Not to Scale 16113 Omega Squad Q-18Red
24th 15668506812416204207198 Mechanical Minks 7676 Whidbey Island Wildcats SF2-2Blue
25th 145495254600048018693 4-H Botsmiths 7198 Mechanical Minks Q-3Blue
26th 1441638900016204807676 Whidbey Island Wildcats 7462 Not to Scale Q-6Blue
27th 1434428716012204804042 Nonstandard Deviation 3861 Vashon Pi-r8s "Pirates" Q-1Blue
28th 14062588012424205403861 Vashon Pi-r8s "Pirates" 7676 Whidbey Island Wildcats Q-22Red
28th 1404436706216054016113 Omega Squad 14563 Teriffic Tech Bots Q-22Blue
30th 136425242604036015117 Olympic Dragons 8628 Chickenados Q-23Red
31st 13448484812212042014563 Teriffic Tech Bots 3861 Vashon Pi-r8s "Pirates" SF1-1Blue
31st 1345254586228042014563 Teriffic Tech Bots 3861 Vashon Pi-r8s "Pirates" SF1-2Blue
33rd 13320476640282024016113 Omega Squad 9517 Robocubs Q-5Blue
34th 13123486002404807462 Not to Scale 7198 Mechanical Minks Q-10Blue
35th 130524860601205408628 Chickenados 9517 Robocubs Q-18Blue
36th 1277338361208030018015 Omega Squad 4042 Nonstandard Deviation Q-5Red
37th 11929465460404207198 Mechanical Minks 15117 Olympic Dragons Q-14Red
38th 11642505460804804042 Nonstandard Deviation 3805 Atomic Robotics Q-23Blue
39th 11552268762122048018015 Omega Squad 15117 Olympic Dragons Q-16Red
39th 1152148466020030018693 4-H Botsmiths 7676 Whidbey Island Wildcats Q-17Blue
41st 1083642606216054011109 Pirate Tekerz 4042 Nonstandard Deviation Q-17Red
42nd 10616365400242018015117 Olympic Dragons 3861 Vashon Pi-r8s "Pirates" Q-11Blue
43rd 104323676601206009517 Robocubs 14563 Teriffic Tech Bots Q-2Red
44th 10342544762282024016113 Omega Squad 18015 Omega Squad Q-14Blue
45th 100105258002804204042 Nonstandard Deviation 18693 4-H Botsmiths Q-13Red
46th 8442285460004803861 Vashon Pi-r8s "Pirates" 19929 JUGNU Q-19Blue
47th 82321040640018015117 Olympic Dragons 14563 Teriffic Tech Bots Q-4Blue
48th 72322030620024019929 JUGNU 8628 Chickenados Q-9Red
49th 71233652000036014563 Teriffic Tech Bots 19929 JUGNU Q-16Blue
50th 67101641004200159517 Robocubs 4042 Nonstandard Deviation Q-21Blue
51st 66164664601604807198 Mechanical Minks 7676 Whidbey Island Wildcats SF2-1Blue
52nd 653224960806019929 JUGNU 7462 Not to Scale Q-1Red
53rd 58026520224036019929 JUGNU 16113 Omega Squad Q-12Red
54th 41164045001604203861 Vashon Pi-r8s "Pirates" 9517 Robocubs Q-15Red
55th 3949365460004807198 Mechanical Minks 19929 JUGNU Q-7Blue
56th 3042461212280607676 Whidbey Island Wildcats 18015 Omega Squad Q-3Red
56th 30203624001201809517 Robocubs 18693 4-H Botsmiths Q-11Red
58th 24046380016201207676 Whidbey Island Wildcats 4042 Nonstandard Deviation Q-9Blue