Total Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Freight Hub 1 Shared Shared Tipped Delivery Capping Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 168306078122202042018570 Swift PowerMech 11986 BHS - Code Blue Q-12Blue
2nd 15123706800242042019717 Bomb City Bots Blue 13755 Robocat Q-24Red
3rd 146225074608204209778 Robotic Chinchillas 17977 Omni-Future Q-17Blue
4th 13432525060202024013755 Robocat 18570 Swift PowerMech Q-4Red
4th 13432416112220042017977 Omni-Future 12398 Bobcat Robotics Q-12Red
6th 13319407462202042017198 Wildcat Robotics 1 18570 Swift PowerMech Q-22Blue
7th 1302534710042042012398 Bobcat Robotics 14929 SunrayWomBots Q-21Blue
8th 121472460600054016617 Nazareth Robotics 19957 BHS - Diamondbacks Q-25Blue
9th 1171835742042042020055 Metal Manipulators 9778 Robotic Chinchillas Q-26Red
10th 11632404462162018018838 Robo's Pit Crew 11986 BHS - Code Blue Q-1Red
11th 1101632620042036014608 SunrayBotCats 19717 Bomb City Bots Blue Q-2Blue
12th 10719167260162042017028 DuMoore Robotics 16617 Nazareth Robotics Q-6Red
12th 1073638336016030016617 Nazareth Robotics 13755 Robocat Q-15Red
14th 10315167200162036013755 Robocat 18801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-29Blue
15th 102153463008054012398 Bobcat Robotics 19782 Hart Robotics Q-6Blue
16th 1006266802122036017332 Wildcat Robotics - 3 17028 DuMoore Robotics Q-27Blue
17th 9921285060162024017977 Omni-Future 16730 Cat-alytic Converters Q-30Blue
18th 9715329000162048012398 Bobcat Robotics 17332 Wildcat Robotics - 3 Q-18Red
18th 97212848004042018801 BHS - Eye of the Storm 16617 Nazareth Robotics Q-20Blue
20th 9610306600122030017977 Omni-Future 19956 BHS - Mayhem Performance Robotics Q-23Blue
21st 92562442624206019956 BHS - Mayhem Performance Robotics 12398 Bobcat Robotics Q-28Blue
22nd 90391239624030019782 Hart Robotics 19956 BHS - Mayhem Performance Robotics Q-10Red
23rd 8812146262122036011986 BHS - Code Blue 14608 SunrayBotCats Q-19Blue
24th 82122842604036018838 Robo's Pit Crew 17198 Wildcat Robotics 1 Q-28Red
25th 79133858008042018503 The Well Team 3 19717 Bomb City Bots Blue Q-18Blue
26th 762220346212018011986 BHS - Code Blue 20055 Metal Manipulators Q-15Blue
27th 755384220403009778 Robotic Chinchillas 17198 Wildcat Robotics 1 Q-8Blue
28th 731038550080241519955 BHS - Robo Rangers 19717 Bomb City Bots Blue Q-30Red
29th 7110655000042018570 Swift PowerMech 18801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-16Blue
29th 7132048020042019782 Hart Robotics 19957 BHS - Diamondbacks Q-19Red
31st 7010852008036018801 BHS - Eye of the Storm 17977 Omni-Future Q-5Red
31st 701018420016206018503 The Well Team 3 20145 Wildcat Robotics - 2 Q-11Blue
31st 7018052000036018570 Swift PowerMech 14929 SunrayWomBots Q-25Red
34th 64271027600024017198 Wildcat Robotics 1 14608 SunrayBotCats Q-14Blue
34th 64101242000030014929 SunrayWomBots 18838 Robo's Pit Crew Q-17Red
36th 612824920000019956 BHS - Mayhem Performance Robotics 9778 Robotic Chinchillas Q-2Red
37th 562620406212024017191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 16617 Nazareth Robotics Q-11Red
38th 55151664008048019957 BHS - Diamondbacks 19956 BHS - Mayhem Performance Robotics Q-13Blue
38th 551036900000017191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 19955 BHS - Robo Rangers Q-21Red
40th 5401836020030017332 Wildcat Robotics - 3 20055 Metal Manipulators Q-23Red
41st 5313634000024019717 Bomb City Bots Blue 17028 DuMoore Robotics Q-9Blue
42nd 522921326012206020145 Wildcat Robotics - 2 19782 Hart Robotics Q-16Red
43rd 50101624004018020055 Metal Manipulators 14608 SunrayBotCats Q-7Red
44th 4910930008018017332 Wildcat Robotics - 3 19955 BHS - Robo Rangers Q-4Blue
45th 48201840008024014608 SunrayBotCats 18503 The Well Team 3 Q-29Red
46th 4631825000012019782 Hart Robotics 17191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-26Blue
47th 45327660006020145 Wildcat Robotics - 2 17198 Wildcat Robotics 1 Q-3Red
47th 45202639048030019955 BHS - Robo Rangers 18838 Robo's Pit Crew Q-7Blue
49th 421528290016206016730 Cat-alytic Converters 13755 Robocat Q-10Blue
50th 4022246620030011986 BHS - Code Blue 20145 Wildcat Robotics - 2 Q-27Red
51st 375834008018019957 BHS - Diamondbacks 17191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-5Blue
52nd 34018460016024020145 Wildcat Robotics - 2 18838 Robo's Pit Crew Q-24Blue
53rd 2723135122004209778 Robotic Chinchillas 16730 Cat-alytic Converters Q-20Red
54th 19010900400016730 Cat-alytic Converters 18503 The Well Team 3 Q-1Blue
55th 17502200006016730 Cat-alytic Converters 17191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-14Red
56th 16102016002000018503 The Well Team 3 17028 DuMoore Robotics Q-22Red
57th 810162200406014929 SunrayWomBots 18801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-9Red
58th 651219001200019957 BHS - Diamondbacks 17332 Wildcat Robotics - 3 Q-8Red
59th 0001000000020055 Metal Manipulators 14929 SunrayWomBots Q-3Blue
59th 032027008024017028 DuMoore Robotics 19955 BHS - Robo Rangers Q-13Red