2021 IA Purple_2021_12_04

December 4, 2021
Rank Team RP TBP Played AVG OPR MAX
1st6252 The Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men and Women 704108.006117.3377.67150
2nd10383 RoboWarriors 576151.00696.0048.39132
3rd12168 Plainsmen Robotics 57643.00696.0054.61150
4th9968 CrossFire 557111.00692.8344.67130
5th9203 Chaotic Cool Cats 518104.00686.3354.29132
6th11834 Thor's Thunder Squad 504118.00684.0047.54124
7th13206 Wave Droids 48829.00681.3351.05117
8th14736 Shell Bots 48795.00681.1740.24122
9th7247 The H2O Loo Bots 48765.00681.1742.55117
10th5094 Still Under Development 485133.00680.8335.81104
11th6661 Starmont Sundevils 47390.00678.8329.33122
12th8953 Bosco Botz 38742.00664.5032.1284
13th15201 Palladium Pandas 37369.00662.1730.0696
14th8922 STEAMpunks 36551.00660.8313.4690
15th10599 GMG Robotics 31431.00652.337.3985