2022 FL South Florida League Meet #4

January 22 – 28, 2022
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
450 Children of the Swamp 80 96 82 93 82 100 533
3888 Greased Lightning 84 126 30 116 116 118 590
5158 T.I.T.A.N.S. 6 18 19 18 18 12 91
5467 1.21 Gigawatts 71 68 97 0 45 281
6321 RoboRaiders 32 44 51 80 63 46 316
6322 WiredCats Origin 72 78 20 84 56 39 349
9110 WiredCats Omega 44 22 19 38 48 15 186
9986 Eaglebotics Navy 68 98 70 70 98 78 482
9987 Eaglebotics Gold 116 159 157 151 153 64 800
10022 WiredCats Gen 3 39 50 30 55 46 36 256
10130 Crown Joules 59 55 92 65 62 76 409
10366 WiredCats Future 15 14 0 11 5 13 58
10830 AJAX 150 156 161 174 178 103 922
11204 Shark A-Tech 10 10
12647 Krop SuperBolts 21 30 27 33 19 21 151
12731 B3 92 134 134 360
13233 Cyber Knights 116 152 132 98 102 120 720
14431 Pyrites 67 18 18 25 68 75 271
15123 SEEKBots 31 28 27 24 32 22 164
16333 Retrograde - Pahokee High 78 86 0 110 85 104 463
16391 Rising Ninjas 82 110 148 112 144 152 748
16484 ROBOCANES 86 86 89 83 86 83 513
16724 Bender Bots - Pahokee High 92 92 102 88 96 102 572
16753 Circuit Breakers 18 58 75 73 56 74 354
18619 BuccaNEERS 30 46 113 82 271
18684 SPAMmers 62 31 49 93 96 15 346
19442 Wolverine Robotics 1 31 43 25 31 19 150
19919 Robotic Panthers 42 36 34 44 52 68 276
20022 RoBOCAts 128 126 51 132 121 122 680
20723 Ignatian Industries 68 57 63 68 69 59 384