2022 FL South Florida League Meet #3

January 10 – 16, 2022
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
450 Children of the Swamp 56 88 82 82 70 86 464
3888 Greased Lightning 87 87 63 101 88 88 514
5125 Raiderbots 34 44 67 49 61 52 307
5467 1.21 Gigawatts 28 34 64 34 64 64 288
6321 RoboRaiders 40 68 70 62 50 15 305
6322 WiredCats Origin 34 61 54 62 43 52 306
9986 Eaglebotics Navy 92 26 90 60 58 39 365
9987 Eaglebotics Gold 125 106 64 116 85 0 496
10022 WiredCats Gen 3 76 31 50 32 55 60 304
10130 Crown Joules 82 88 94 86 72 57 479
10830 AJAX 133 140 134 130 134 160 831
11204 Shark A-Tech 24 40 26 40 44 38 212
12731 B3 106 128 140 116 128 122 740
13233 Cyber Knights 134 83 101 87 108 164 677
14431 Pyrites 69 32 57 74 73 69 374
15123 SEEKBots 18 16 26 31 31 33 155
16333 Retrograde - Pahokee High 89 26 79 80 104 107 485
16391 Rising Ninjas 116 118 68 140 105 118 665
16484 ROBOCANES 86 83 80 86 79 95 509
16724 Bender Bots - Pahokee High 62 74 82 85 109 120 532
16753 Circuit Breakers 77 63 90 109 74 50 463
18619 BuccaNEERS 10 0 54 40 16 42 162
18684 SPAMmers 82 92 89 93 92 92 540
19919 Robotic Panthers 27 28 30 56 68 74 283
20022 RoBOCAts 66 86 115 115 104 110 596