Total Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Freight Hub 1 Shared Shared Tipped Delivery Capping Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 18748409912216206004451 The Flying Foxes 19458 Equilibrium.exe Q-21Blue
2nd 18619110876040204807 Tactical Sheep 15167 Robo Troopers SF2-2Red
3rd 18432946860162048015167 Robo Troopers 19458 Equilibrium.exe Q-1Blue
4th 1803258901202820480226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226 7 Tactical Sheep Q-9Blue
5th 1784654786228203604451 The Flying Foxes 7 Tactical Sheep Q-3Blue
6th 15832626460200480226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226 19941 M&M (Metal Masterminds).exe SF2-2Blue
7th 1451580500082030015167 Robo Troopers 15310 FCHS Jagwires Q-17Blue
7th 14539546262282030014607 Robot Uprising 7 Tactical Sheep Q-18Red
9th 14348385712000480226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226 14607 Robot Uprising Q-5Blue
10th 13868267412082048014923 ACES 4451 The Flying Foxes Q-11Red
10th 138683852124003604451 The Flying Foxes 14923 ACES F-2Red
12th 136684454124004804451 The Flying Foxes 14923 ACES F-1Red
13th 13042286060005404451 The Flying Foxes 14923 ACES SF1-2Red
14th 12952225560004204451 The Flying Foxes 20339 Independent Q-17Red
15th 128547860016205407 Tactical Sheep 15167 Robo Troopers F-1Blue
16th 125132686008206004991 Gear Freaks 19941 M&M (Metal Masterminds).exe Q-20Blue
17th 12355288012042054018264 TheElectronovas 14923 ACES Q-16Red
18th 12242265462004804451 The Flying Foxes 14923 ACES SF1-1Red
19th 1212010130002403007 Tactical Sheep 15167 Robo Troopers SF2-1Red
20th 118293960601620240226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226 369 Oakton Cougar Robotics 369 Q-15Red
21st 107075620020203607 Tactical Sheep 15167 Robo Troopers F-2Blue
22nd 1043432486082018015310 FCHS Jagwires 226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226 Q-12Red
23rd 102832720020203607 Tactical Sheep 17575 FCHS Cubwires Q-23Red
24th 95195036620030018381 RAM Eaters 14607 Robot Uprising Q-22Red
25th 9282460000054013353 Circuit Breakers 18381 RAM Eaters Q-1Red
25th 921020620082042017575 FCHS Cubwires 19941 M&M (Metal Masterminds).exe Q-10Red
25th 92143048604048013353 Circuit Breakers 226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226 Q-20Red
28th 9136469601600020339 Independent 14607 Robot Uprising Q-2Blue
29th 8816485400240480226 Oakton Cougar Robotics 226 19941 M&M (Metal Masterminds).exe SF2-1Blue
30th 87104651000048019458 Equilibrium.exe 8702 Curiosity Rovers Q-14Red
31st 83362730628024017575 FCHS Cubwires 4451 The Flying Foxes Q-6Blue
32nd 802420566212203008702 Curiosity Rovers 369 Oakton Cougar Robotics 369 Q-8Red
33rd 7915105400004808702 Curiosity Rovers 5014 Future Gadget Lab Q-3Red
34th 741922636280481519941 M&M (Metal Masterminds).exe 18381 RAM Eaters Q-6Red
35th 73193054620048019458 Equilibrium.exe 14607 Robot Uprising SF1-2Blue
36th 67330440024201807 Tactical Sheep 4991 Gear Freaks Q-13Red
37th 6662238004201208702 Curiosity Rovers 14923 ACES Q-19Blue
38th 63954806082060019458 Equilibrium.exe 14607 Robot Uprising SF1-1Blue
39th 58104840042048020339 Independent 19941 M&M (Metal Masterminds).exe Q-14Blue
40th 52320390020200019941 M&M (Metal Masterminds).exe 15310 FCHS Jagwires Q-4Red
41st 44103222000012015167 Robo Troopers 17575 FCHS Cubwires Q-19Red
42nd 4063430600030018264 TheElectronovas 15167 Robo Troopers Q-5Red
42nd 4001040004030018381 RAM Eaters 8702 Curiosity Rovers Q-12Blue
42nd 4010124800004804991 Gear Freaks 18381 RAM Eaters Q-16Blue
45th 37192256608203005014 Future Gadget Lab 19458 Equilibrium.exe Q-7Red
46th 341018602000015310 FCHS Jagwires 4991 Gear Freaks Q-7Blue
47th 331318420000360369 Oakton Cougar Robotics 369 18264 TheElectronovas Q-21Red
48th 321082400001805014 Future Gadget Lab 20339 Independent Q-22Blue
49th 23341600400014923 ACES 20339 Independent Q-9Red
50th 173302400120180369 Oakton Cougar Robotics 369 15167 Robo Troopers Q-13Blue
51st 12106600000019458 Equilibrium.exe 13353 Circuit Breakers Q-18Blue
52nd 93241200006018264 TheElectronovas 13353 Circuit Breakers Q-8Blue
53rd 091224604024017575 FCHS Cubwires 4991 Gear Freaks Q-2Red
53rd 0193066024000369 Oakton Cougar Robotics 369 14923 ACES Q-4Blue
53rd 002242004030018264 TheElectronovas 5014 Future Gadget Lab Q-10Blue
53rd 03160001600014607 Robot Uprising 13353 Circuit Breakers Q-11Blue
53rd 06460000005014 Future Gadget Lab 17575 FCHS Cubwires Q-15Blue
53rd 0261818600018015310 FCHS Jagwires 18264 TheElectronovas Q-23Blue