Total Auto Teleop Endgame Auto Freight Hub 1 Shared Shared Tipped Delivery Capping Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 13123307800242042018818 Loose Screws 19812 Quantum Leap A Q-9Blue
2nd 11420346000282024020226 FVroboticsTEAM_Point 7 18818 Loose Screws Q-5Red
3rd 1013445400200301520360 The Sus Bois 20191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas Q-6Red
4th 9715207220122036018882 Mater Dei Minions 20226 FVroboticsTEAM_Point 7 Q-10Red
5th 9313127800122042019713 FVroboticsTEAM_Visionaries 19812 Quantum Leap A Q-8Red
6th 75131646004030020191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas 20226 FVroboticsTEAM_Point 7 Q-7Blue
7th 721330290012200018882 Mater Dei Minions 18818 Loose Screws Q-4Blue
8th 69111840000024020191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas 19894 FVroboticsTeam_Atominators Q-4Red
9th 65528320016206018818 Loose Screws 20360 The Sus Bois Q-7Red
10th 4401232008206020360 The Sus Bois 19713 FVroboticsTEAM_Visionaries Q-3Blue
11th 4010624000024019894 FVroboticsTeam_Atominators 20360 The Sus Bois Q-10Blue
12th 38101216001200019713 FVroboticsTEAM_Visionaries 20191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas Q-9Red
13th 360630000030020191 FVroboticsTEAM_Bread Pandas 19812 Quantum Leap A Q-2Blue
14th 33186902000020226 FVroboticsTEAM_Point 7 19894 FVroboticsTeam_Atominators Q-2Red
14th 335226001600019812 Quantum Leap A 18882 Mater Dei Minions Q-5Blue
16th 30186602400018882 Mater Dei Minions 19894 FVroboticsTeam_Atominators Q-8Blue
17th 27532000800018818 Loose Screws 19713 FVroboticsTEAM_Visionaries Q-1Blue
18th 261317260012200020360 The Sus Bois 18882 Mater Dei Minions Q-1Red
19th 21132602000019894 FVroboticsTeam_Atominators 19713 FVroboticsTEAM_Visionaries Q-6Blue
20th 16001600000019812 Quantum Leap A 20226 FVroboticsTEAM_Point 7 Q-3Red