2021 TX FTC Central North SA/Hill Country Meet #1 REMOTE

January 10 – 16, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
3296 Bots in Blue 40 60 40 60 40 40 280
8295 Baron Alpha 39 5 35 52 40 70 241
10971 Somerset Bulldogs 2 24 33 30 39 10 15 151
10973 Somerset Bulldogs 1 15 10 10 44 25 7 111
11155 Clash of Coders 30 30 30 15 25 25 155
13072 Fellowship of the Robot 74 140 107 89 154 107 671
13388 Show Stoppers 5 5 5 20 10 5 50
15703 Teen Tech Titans 73 32 101 39 61 95 401
16320 Gilded Gears 100 136 43 61 141 124 605
16458 TechnoWizards 160 113 147 195 157 156 928
18094 BASIS Batteries Not Included 102 94 78 115 150 114 653
18519 Team Marvel-us 9 44 28 48 33 33 195