2021 TX FTC W&P North League Meet #3 REMOTE

February 22 – 27, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
9778 Robotic Chinchillas 136 115 134 128 133 134 780
11986 BHS - Code Blue 17 0 6 8 35 5 71
12398 Bobcat Robotics 115 104 112 108 114 108 661
13755 Robocat 40 49 11 53 37 74 264
14806 Gemini 17 21 23 11 17 19 108
14929 SunrayWomBots 38 53 83 50 36 52 312
15151 Anatronic Kats 25 60 38 45 45 57 270
15152 Bionic Cats 8 29 55 53 28 40 213
15764 West Texas Robotics 120 124 135 144 120 126 769
16617 Nazareth Robotics 126 104 56 95 174 95 650
16731 SunrayTBA Cats 25 5 10 25 5 5 75
16799 Wookie Robotics 56 48 36 38 49 34 261
17028 DuMoore Robotics 34 32 63 76 58 80 343
17191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 23 45 31 57 55 58 269
17198 Wildcat Robotics 1 16 44 21 26 6 4 117
17332 Wildcat Robotics - 3 0 5 6 5 6 17 39
17977 Omni-Future 31 29 5 30 35 34 164
18041 West Texas Robotics JV 5 25 25 25 25 25 130
18453 Robotic Roosters 64 56 41 35 41 35 272
18503 The Well Team 3 27 36 38 36 38 40 215
18570 Swift PowerMech 144 127 126 146 140 103 786
18801 BHS - Eye of the Storm 47 22 36 44 45 24 218
18838 Robo's Pit Crew 9 25 7 10 13 17 81