2021 TX FTC W&P North League Meet #1 REMOTE

January 11 – 16, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 1143544359778 Robotic Chinchillas Q-3
2nd 1103540359778 Robotic Chinchillas Q-4
3rd 9726165518570 Swift PowerMech Q-1
4th 944742514929 SunrayWomBots Q-2
5th 852030359778 Robotic Chinchillas Q-2
6th 83558209778 Robotic Chinchillas Q-6
7th 802040209778 Robotic Chinchillas Q-5
8th 753504016617 Nazareth Robotics Q-3
9th 742684018570 Swift PowerMech Q-3
10th 7220124012398 Bobcat Robotics Q-1
10th 7220124012398 Bobcat Robotics Q-3
10th 7220124012398 Bobcat Robotics Q-4
13th 703530514929 SunrayWomBots Q-3
14th 664102515764 West Texas Robotics Q-2
15th 642024209778 Robotic Chinchillas Q-1
16th 6220222016617 Nazareth Robotics Q-6
17th 615164012398 Bobcat Robotics Q-2
18th 602004012398 Bobcat Robotics Q-6
19th 574161015764 West Texas Robotics Q-4
19th 5720122517028 DuMoore Robotics Q-5
21st 563242018570 Swift PowerMech Q-5
22nd 531736014929 SunrayWomBots Q-5
22nd 53584015152 Bionic Cats Q-3
24th 5220122012398 Bobcat Robotics Q-5
24th 523512514929 SunrayWomBots Q-1
24th 5220122017028 DuMoore Robotics Q-3
27th 4911182018570 Swift PowerMech Q-6
28th 473512018801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-4
29th 432018516617 Nazareth Robotics Q-4
30th 425122517028 DuMoore Robotics Q-6
31st 402002016617 Nazareth Robotics Q-2
31st 402614018570 Swift PowerMech Q-2
31st 402614018570 Swift PowerMech Q-4
34th 355102017028 DuMoore Robotics Q-4
34th 352001518801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-2
36th 330181513755 Robocat Q-6
36th 331761015764 West Texas Robotics Q-1
36th 33582016799 Wookie Robotics Q-4
39th 325121513755 Robocat Q-4
39th 320122015152 Bionic Cats Q-5
41st 30502515764 West Texas Robotics Q-3
41st 302001017977 Omni-Future Q-1
41st 302001017977 Omni-Future Q-5
44th 29542015152 Bionic Cats Q-2
44th 29542016617 Nazareth Robotics Q-5
46th 28158518503 The Well Team 3 Q-2
47th 26561513755 Robocat Q-1
48th 25200517977 Omni-Future Q-2
48th 25200517977 Omni-Future Q-3
48th 25200517977 Omni-Future Q-4
48th 25200517977 Omni-Future Q-6
48th 25200518801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-3
53rd 23158018503 The Well Team 3 Q-3
54th 22022017028 DuMoore Robotics Q-2
55th 20200016617 Nazareth Robotics Q-1
56th 17170014929 SunrayWomBots Q-6
56th 17012515152 Bionic Cats Q-6
58th 15510013755 Robocat Q-3
59th 14014018453 Robotic Roosters Q-3
60th 1358016799 Wookie Robotics Q-3
60th 1308518503 The Well Team 3 Q-4
62nd 12012018453 Robotic Roosters Q-1
63rd 1156016799 Wookie Robotics Q-1
63rd 1156016799 Wookie Robotics Q-2
63rd 1106518503 The Well Team 3 Q-5
63rd 11110018801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-1
67th 10010014806 Gemini Q-4
67th 10010018453 Robotic Roosters Q-2
67th 10010018453 Robotic Roosters Q-4
67th 10010018453 Robotic Roosters Q-5
67th 10010018453 Robotic Roosters Q-6
72nd 954016799 Wookie Robotics Q-6
72nd 954018801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-6
74th 808014806 Gemini Q-2
74th 808014806 Gemini Q-5
74th 808015152 Bionic Cats Q-4
74th 808018503 The Well Team 3 Q-6
78th 752016799 Wookie Robotics Q-5
79th 660011986 BHS - Code Blue Q-3
79th 606014806 Gemini Q-1
79th 606014806 Gemini Q-6
82nd 550011986 BHS - Code Blue Q-5
82nd 550011986 BHS - Code Blue Q-6
82nd 550013755 Robocat Q-2
82nd 550013755 Robocat Q-5
82nd 550014929 SunrayWomBots Q-4
82nd 500515152 Bionic Cats Q-1
82nd 550018801 BHS - Eye of the Storm Q-5
89th 404014806 Gemini Q-3
89th 404017028 DuMoore Robotics Q-1
89th 404017191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-4
89th 404017191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-6
89th 404018503 The Well Team 3 Q-1
94th 330011986 BHS - Code Blue Q-1
95th 202017191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-5
96th 000011986 BHS - Code Blue Q-2
96th 000011986 BHS - Code Blue Q-4
96th 000017191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-1
96th 000017191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-2
96th 000017191 I.O.U. Robotics - CHS 4 Q-3