2021 MS FTC Northern League Meet #7 REMOTE

January 25 – 31, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 7912521516489 Virtual North Q-2
2nd 762016407802 Challenge Accepted Q-6
3rd 732350016489 Virtual North Q-1
4th 660363016489 Virtual North Q-6
5th 625421516489 Virtual North Q-3
6th 602020207802 Challenge Accepted Q-5
6th 601842016489 Virtual North Q-4
8th 57512407802 Challenge Accepted Q-2
9th 565361516489 Virtual North Q-5
10th 522012207802 Challenge Accepted Q-1
10th 522012207802 Challenge Accepted Q-4
12th 412016517701 The Flash Drivers Q-1
13th 362610011279 Pure Imagination Q-1
14th 345141511279 Pure Imagination Q-5
15th 30200108772 RoboWildcats Q-3
16th 29542017701 The Flash Drivers Q-2
16th 29204518229 Blue Chargers Q-1
18th 2752207802 Challenge Accepted Q-3
19th 2520058772 RoboWildcats Q-4
20th 23518011279 Pure Imagination Q-3
20th 23176011279 Pure Imagination Q-4
20th 23158017701 The Flash Drivers Q-4
23rd 22202013849 OMS Chargerbots Q-5
24th 20200013849 OMS Chargerbots Q-6
25th 1550108772 RoboWildcats Q-2
25th 1550108772 RoboWildcats Q-6
27th 1358017701 The Flash Drivers Q-5
28th 1156011279 Pure Imagination Q-2
28th 1156017701 The Flash Drivers Q-3
28th 1156018467 Kirk Academy Robotics Q-4
31st 1050518229 Blue Chargers Q-5
31st 10001018364 The Bravo Seals Q-4
31st 10001018364 The Bravo Seals Q-6
34th 954011279 Pure Imagination Q-6
34th 904513849 OMS Chargerbots Q-4
34th 954018229 Blue Chargers Q-2
34th 954018467 Kirk Academy Robotics Q-3
38th 808018229 Blue Chargers Q-3
39th 606018229 Blue Chargers Q-4
40th 50058772 RoboWildcats Q-1
40th 50058772 RoboWildcats Q-5
40th 550013849 OMS Chargerbots Q-2
40th 500518364 The Bravo Seals Q-5
40th 550018467 Kirk Academy Robotics Q-1
40th 550018467 Kirk Academy Robotics Q-2
40th 550018467 Kirk Academy Robotics Q-5
47th 404018467 Kirk Academy Robotics Q-6
48th 202013849 OMS Chargerbots Q-1
48th 202013849 OMS Chargerbots Q-3
50th 000017701 The Flash Drivers Q-6
50th 000018364 The Bravo Seals Q-1
50th 000018364 The Bravo Seals Q-2
50th 000018364 The Bravo Seals Q-3