2021 MO FTC NE League 1 Tournament REMOTE

February 21 – 27, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
406 BlueCoats 70 84 80 84 76 109 503
5095 The LEPTONS 47 74 14 5 11 59 210
5119 The BARYONS 119 109 62 145 75 106 616
5190 Technoramic 24 22 19 9 36 13 123
5439 The GLUONS 94 157 105 141 100 117 714
5481 Cerberus Robotics 41 78 0 30 34 37 220
5560 Fluffy Robotics 92 150 115 100 120 157 734
6285 Statesbots - Black 45 47 45 47 45 45 274
8905 Statesbots- Orange 47 0 50 66 0 61 224
9856 Spaghettified 47 72 60 39 42 28 288
9905 Rampire 24 19 28 28 24 45 168
10265 Force Green 129 109 145 111 159 98 751
10588 The LUXONS 141 102 114 129 129 132 747
14186 P3 104 99 85 106 102 130 626
18118 Mindstorm Troopers 143 155 118 159 120 89 784