2021 MO FTC NE League 1 Meet #9 REMOTE

February 14 – 20, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
406 BlueCoats 88 97 95 84 111 114 589
5095 The LEPTONS 27 19 39 40 5 11 141
5119 The BARYONS 97 59 88 133 109 92 578
5190 Technoramic 18 23 23 35 12 36 147
5439 The GLUONS 107 79 186
5481 Cerberus Robotics 48 20 41 5 24 15 153
5560 Fluffy Robotics 126 120 129 78 149 187 789
6285 Statesbots - Black 25 25 25 47 45 45 212
8905 Statesbots- Orange 64 45 45 45 66 75 340
9856 Spaghettified 30 20 39 51 59 31 230
9905 Rampire 6 23 17 17 13 76
10265 Force Green 113 20 138 121 129 148 669
10588 The LUXONS 102 102 150 114 102 79 649
14186 P3 76 98 75 101 128 47 525
18118 Mindstorm Troopers 50 126 153 160 118 136 743