2021 MO FTC NE League 1 Meet #7 REMOTE

January 31 – February 6, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
406 BlueCoats 78 87 45 60 44 60 374
5095 The LEPTONS 21 25 54 19 17 15 151
5190 Technoramic 5 10 15
5439 The GLUONS 93 119 65 113 390
5560 Fluffy Robotics 124 0 94 40 156 146 560
6285 Statesbots - Black 25 5 25 20 25 31 131
8905 Statesbots- Orange 26 24 40 40 15 20 165
9856 Spaghettified 29 21 50
9905 Rampire 11 13 5 17 19 65
18118 Mindstorm Troopers 89 110 96 75 96 68 534