2021 MN FTC Qualifier #5 REMOTE

February 14 – 21, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 22547108709972 Iron Gears Q-5
2nd 2116888559972 Iron Gears Q-1
3rd 2017160709972 Iron Gears Q-3
4th 1935172709972 Iron Gears Q-2
5th 1867160559972 Iron Gears Q-6
6th 1785484409972 Iron Gears Q-4
7th 1735672458473 Blue Lightning Q-4
8th 1645678308473 Blue Lightning Q-2
9th 1615660458473 Blue Lightning Q-5
10th 1584172458473 Blue Lightning Q-6
11th 15771464013623 Iron Tacos Q-6
12th 14856722014561 Tech Tigers Q-6
13th 14720725515264 LP BullBots Q-1
14th 1464472308473 Blue Lightning Q-1
15th 1445845515264 LP BullBots Q-2
16th 13935545011270 Athena Q-5
16th 13965344012735 CAATS Q-2
18th 13356522514561 Tech Tigers Q-4
18th 13320783515264 LP BullBots Q-3
20th 13159522013623 Iron Tacos Q-1
21st 13044662014561 Tech Tigers Q-2
22nd 12720723515264 LP BullBots Q-4
23rd 12159422013623 Iron Tacos Q-4
23rd 12156303518535 Fellowship of the Spring Q-1
23rd 12156303518535 Fellowship of the Spring Q-5
23rd 12156303518535 Fellowship of the Spring Q-6
23rd 12138483518640 svsn1 Q-6
28th 11738443518640 svsn1 Q-5
29th 1093816557231 The Purple Circuits Q-6
30th 10656302014561 Tech Tigers Q-3
31st 1053812557231 The Purple Circuits Q-2
31st 10544362513623 Iron Tacos Q-5
33rd 1045054011270 Athena Q-6
34th 10320285510075 Tech Turtles Q-3
34th 10332363518640 svsn1 Q-2
36th 10220127010075 Tech Turtles Q-4
36th 10244184012735 CAATS Q-5
38th 10150361511270 Athena Q-2
39th 9935244010075 Tech Turtles Q-1
39th 997182012735 CAATS Q-4
41st 9729284016232 Chaska Circuit Breakers Q-1
41st 9738243518640 svsn1 Q-4
43rd 965604012735 CAATS Q-6
44th 9541342018535 Fellowship of the Spring Q-3
45th 9444302012735 CAATS Q-3
45th 9456182014561 Tech Tigers Q-5
47th 9329244016232 Chaska Circuit Breakers Q-4
48th 9020304010075 Tech Turtles Q-2
49th 8729184011873 Element Unknown Q-2
50th 8647241513623 Iron Tacos Q-2
51st 8320283518640 svsn1 Q-3
52nd 8226164011873 Element Unknown Q-6
52nd 8235123518640 svsn1 Q-1
54th 80328407231 The Purple Circuits Q-5
55th 7947122013623 Iron Tacos Q-3
56th 762016407231 The Purple Circuits Q-1
56th 762016407231 The Purple Circuits Q-3
56th 7620362011270 Athena Q-1
59th 752964011873 Element Unknown Q-3
60th 7420144011299 CrushBots Q-6
60th 7420243012886 The LaGrange Points Q-5
60th 7433261517287 My Favorite Team Q-2
60th 7429301517287 My Favorite Team Q-4
64th 7220124010075 Tech Turtles Q-5
65th 715363018535 Fellowship of the Spring Q-2
66th 6820183011270 Athena Q-3
66th 6814144011873 Element Unknown Q-4
66th 6835181517287 My Favorite Team Q-6
66th 68558518018 Micropachycephalosaurus Q-4
70th 6729182016232 Chaska Circuit Breakers Q-6
71st 6626202011873 Element Unknown Q-1
71st 6626103012886 The LaGrange Points Q-2
73rd 6414104011873 Element Unknown Q-5
74th 622042018018 Micropachycephalosaurus Q-5
75th 6120261518018 Micropachycephalosaurus Q-6
76th 592043510075 Tech Turtles Q-6
77th 582443017287 My Favorite Team Q-1
77th 580382018018 Micropachycephalosaurus Q-3
79th 572982018123 Ninja Narwhals Q-1
80th 56560018535 Fellowship of the Spring Q-4
81st 5520201511299 CrushBots Q-2
81st 551504011299 CrushBots Q-4
81st 555203018018 Micropachycephalosaurus Q-2
84th 543816017287 My Favorite Team Q-5
85th 532082518123 Ninja Narwhals Q-2
86th 522662016232 Chaska Circuit Breakers Q-5
87th 5121102011299 CrushBots Q-3
87th 512062518123 Ninja Narwhals Q-4
89th 462062018123 Ninja Narwhals Q-3
90th 4515102011299 CrushBots Q-5
90th 4520101512886 The LaGrange Points Q-4
90th 452916017287 My Favorite Team Q-3
93rd 443212012735 CAATS Q-1
93rd 442042014561 Tech Tigers Q-1
95th 430281512886 The LaGrange Points Q-1
96th 422022012886 The LaGrange Points Q-3
97th 402020016232 Chaska Circuit Breakers Q-2
98th 381226011299 CrushBots Q-1
99th 362016018018 Micropachycephalosaurus Q-1
100th 352001518123 Ninja Narwhals Q-5
101st 302001014972 Killjoy Q-3
101st 302001015264 LP BullBots Q-6
103rd 2626007231 The Purple Circuits Q-4
103rd 26381518525 B.E.A.N.S. Q-4
105th 24204012886 The LaGrange Points Q-6
105th 24042018123 Ninja Narwhals Q-6
107th 20200015264 LP BullBots Q-5
107th 20200016232 Chaska Circuit Breakers Q-3
107th 20501518525 B.E.A.N.S. Q-1
107th 20200018774 FaiFa Q-4
111st 19041518525 B.E.A.N.S. Q-5
112nd 15501014972 Killjoy Q-2
112nd 15510018525 B.E.A.N.S. Q-2
114th 1050514972 Killjoy Q-1
114th 1050514972 Killjoy Q-4
114th 1050518774 FaiFa Q-3
114th 1050518774 FaiFa Q-5
118th 954018525 B.E.A.N.S. Q-6
119th 550014972 Killjoy Q-5
119th 550014972 Killjoy Q-6
121st 00008473 Blue Lightning Q-3
121st 000011270 Athena Q-4
121st 000018525 B.E.A.N.S. Q-3
121st 000018774 FaiFa Q-1
121st 000018774 FaiFa Q-2