2021 IL FTC-Southern/Central/Western League Tournament REMOTE

February 24 – 27, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Match Num
1st 258711028515005 Technophobia Q-5
1st 25883908516244 The TrailBlazers Q-6
3rd 25710780706596 Robotic Rams Q-4
4th 25511996406596 Robotic Rams Q-6
5th 250711146515005 Technophobia Q-2
6th 247711067015005 Technophobia Q-6
7th 24671908515005 Technophobia Q-1
8th 24471888515005 Technophobia Q-3
9th 2377196706596 Robotic Rams Q-2
9th 2377196706596 Robotic Rams Q-5
9th 23795727014469 HOW Q-3
9th 23771967015005 Technophobia Q-4
13th 23471108556596 Robotic Rams Q-3
13th 23495548514469 HOW Q-5
15th 2337192706596 Robotic Rams Q-1
16th 23263848510101 Binary Bullets Q-4
17th 2286890708620 Wormgear Warriors Q-5
17th 22883905516244 The TrailBlazers Q-1
19th 226681085016244 The TrailBlazers Q-3
20th 22571847016244 The TrailBlazers Q-5
21st 22259788514469 HOW Q-2
22nd 21671608510101 Binary Bullets Q-2
22nd 21647848517576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). Q-4
24th 21480845016244 The TrailBlazers Q-2
24th 21468965016244 The TrailBlazers Q-4
26th 21178785510101 Binary Bullets Q-5
27th 20556648512971 Ctrl-Y Q-1
28th 2015972708620 Wormgear Warriors Q-1
28th 20178586510101 Binary Bullets Q-6
28th 20171607014469 HOW Q-1
31st 19829848512913 DA Ex Bots Q-5
31st 19856727012971 Ctrl-Y Q-5
33rd 19571547017576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). Q-1
34th 18956785510101 Binary Bullets Q-1
35th 1866878408620 Wormgear Warriors Q-4
35th 1865660708620 Wormgear Warriors Q-6
35th 18656607012971 Ctrl-Y Q-6
38th 18565507014204 Super Scream Bros Q-6
38th 18571645014469 HOW Q-4
40th 1808060408620 Wormgear Warriors Q-3
41st 17644627012913 DA Ex Bots Q-4
41st 17665565514204 Super Scream Bros Q-1
43rd 16630667010101 Binary Bullets Q-3
43rd 16659723512971 Ctrl-Y Q-2
43rd 16650467015410 Welded Warriors Q-6
46th 16450744014723 Chesterton Robots Q-3
46th 16456783014840 DCS MechWarriors Q-5
48th 16226667017576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). Q-3
49th 15856723014840 DCS MechWarriors Q-6
50th 15635764517576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). Q-6
51st 15450347014204 Super Scream Bros Q-5
52nd 15323607012913 DA Ex Bots Q-1
52nd 15335784012913 DA Ex Bots Q-3
54th 15247505512913 DA Ex Bots Q-6
55th 14944604514840 DCS MechWarriors Q-4
56th 1485786511235 Retro Robotics Q-5
57th 14720428515410 Welded Warriors Q-1
58th 14144425514469 HOW Q-6
59th 13935545011235 Retro Robotics Q-6
60th 13835485511235 Retro Robotics Q-3
60th 13844544014723 Chesterton Robots Q-6
62nd 1335954208620 Wormgear Warriors Q-2
63rd 13241365512913 DA Ex Bots Q-2
63rd 13220427015410 Welded Warriors Q-4
65th 1283548459985 Washington Robotics Q-2
65th 1286518459985 Washington Robotics Q-5
65th 12820387014204 Super Scream Bros Q-3
68th 1244440407129 Robo Raiders Q-6
69th 12335484011235 Retro Robotics Q-2
69th 12332365518478 Robo Griffins Q-5
71st 11935444015410 Welded Warriors Q-5
72nd 11644423014840 DCS MechWarriors Q-1
73rd 1145618408899 EP Robo Raiders Q-1
73rd 11420247011235 Retro Robotics Q-4
73rd 11435245513365 Gearheads Q-3
76th 1125042209788 Manual High School RoboRams II Q-4
76th 11244482014723 Chesterton Robots Q-4
78th 10935245013365 Gearheads Q-1
78th 10938165518478 Robo Griffins Q-4
80th 10650164013365 Gearheads Q-4
81st 10420345014204 Super Scream Bros Q-2
82nd 10020404014204 Super Scream Bros Q-4
83rd 9720225513365 Gearheads Q-2
83rd 9720225513365 Gearheads Q-6
85th 953530309985 Washington Robotics Q-3
86th 933528309985 Washington Robotics Q-1
87th 903218409189 All Charged Up Q-5
87th 904446014723 Chesterton Robots Q-5
89th 8820482015410 Welded Warriors Q-3
90th 87470408899 EP Robo Raiders Q-3
91st 863214409189 All Charged Up Q-4
92nd 8511245010303 Robot Rebellion Q-1
93rd 843212407129 Robo Raiders Q-4
93rd 843212408899 EP Robo Raiders Q-5
93rd 84386409189 All Charged Up Q-3
93rd 8420244013365 Gearheads Q-5
97th 823230209788 Manual High School RoboRams II Q-3
98th 802020407129 Robo Raiders Q-2
99th 791722407129 Robo Raiders Q-3
100th 7820184011235 Retro Robotics Q-1
100th 783804017576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). Q-5
102nd 76324409189 All Charged Up Q-1
102nd 765363515410 Welded Warriors Q-2
102nd 761565518478 Robo Griffins Q-2
105th 75323857129 Robo Raiders Q-5
105th 7517184010303 Robot Rebellion Q-3
107th 722664014723 Chesterton Robots Q-2
108th 703218208648 Manual High School RoboRams Q-1
108th 70446208899 EP Robo Raiders Q-2
108th 702030209788 Manual High School RoboRams II Q-2
111st 695244014723 Chesterton Robots Q-1
111st 692904015031 BoltBusterZ Q-1
111st 692904015031 BoltBusterZ Q-2
111st 692904015031 BoltBusterZ Q-3
111st 692904015031 BoltBusterZ Q-5
111st 692904015031 BoltBusterZ Q-6
117th 682028209788 Manual High School RoboRams II Q-1
117th 685283518478 Robo Griffins Q-6
119th 67270408899 EP Robo Raiders Q-4
119th 67353208899 EP Robo Raiders Q-6
119th 672344016751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-6
122nd 66260409189 All Charged Up Q-6
122nd 66546159985 Washington Robotics Q-4
122nd 662064018478 Robo Griffins Q-3
125th 65214409189 All Charged Up Q-2
126th 642024208648 Manual High School RoboRams Q-3
126th 642044016277 Tekon Q-6
128th 632304016751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-5
129th 623210207129 Robo Raiders Q-1
130th 602020208648 Manual High School RoboRams Q-6
130th 602004016751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-3
132nd 5929102011283 Mmm...Java Q-6
133rd 573202514167 The Savage Penguins Q-5
134th 562016208648 Manual High School RoboRams Q-2
134th 56560014840 DCS MechWarriors Q-2
136th 54544514371 MT. ZION BRAVES Q-6
137th 5217201511373 PowerSurge 2.0 Q-6
137th 523202014167 The Savage Penguins Q-3
139th 502010208648 Manual High School RoboRams Q-5
139th 5023121511373 PowerSurge 2.0 Q-3
139th 50500014840 DCS MechWarriors Q-3
142nd 491403511283 Mmm...Java Q-3
143rd 471730011373 PowerSurge 2.0 Q-2
143rd 471136011373 PowerSurge 2.0 Q-4
145th 46206208648 Manual High School RoboRams Q-4
145th 46536510303 Robot Rebellion Q-2
147th 452002514167 The Savage Penguins Q-1
147th 452002514167 The Savage Penguins Q-6
147th 452002516277 Tekon Q-4
147th 45504016751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-1
147th 45504016751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-4
147th 45504017576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). Q-2
153rd 440242010303 Robot Rebellion Q-4
153rd 4414102011283 Mmm...Java Q-4
155th 4035059985 Washington Robotics Q-6
155th 402002016277 Tekon Q-1
155th 402002016277 Tekon Q-2
155th 402002016277 Tekon Q-3
155th 402002016277 Tekon Q-5
160th 371162011283 Mmm...Java Q-1
161st 351502011283 Mmm...Java Q-5
162nd 341402015031 BoltBusterZ Q-4
163rd 32320012971 Ctrl-Y Q-3
164th 311102011283 Mmm...Java Q-2
165th 29524010303 Robot Rebellion Q-5
165th 29290016989 Route 1 Robotics Q-2
165th 29290016989 Route 1 Robotics Q-3
165th 29290016989 Route 1 Robotics Q-4
165th 29290016989 Route 1 Robotics Q-6
170th 28208014371 MT. ZION BRAVES Q-2
171st 27270011373 PowerSurge 2.0 Q-1
171st 27270012971 Ctrl-Y Q-4
173rd 26260016989 Route 1 Robotics Q-1
173rd 26260016989 Route 1 Robotics Q-5
175th 255101010303 Robot Rebellion Q-6
175th 25200514167 The Savage Penguins Q-4
175th 25520014371 MT. ZION BRAVES Q-1
175th 25520014371 MT. ZION BRAVES Q-4
175th 25502016751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) Q-2
180th 19514014371 MT. ZION BRAVES Q-3
180th 19154018478 Robo Griffins Q-1
182nd 17170011373 PowerSurge 2.0 Q-5
183rd 550014371 MT. ZION BRAVES Q-5
184th 000014167 The Savage Penguins Q-2