2020 IL FTC All-State Meet #1 REMOTE

November 16 – 22, 2020
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
3216 Robophins 93 73 81 102 108 78 535
3507 Robotheosis 40 60 60 45 40 60 305
5037 got robot? 12 42 75 55 78 60 322
5199 Duct Tape and a Prayer 5 5 0 5 9 6 30
6007 Eighty Nine Degrees 30 60 45 45 25 45 250
6200 Despicable Machine 5 5 5 5 10 10 40
7129 Robo Raiders 65 89 120 108 115 89 586
7715 Robotic Lions 20 47 28 61 59 42 257
8620 Wormgear Warriors 55 59 17 71 62 38 302
8648 Manual High School RoboRams 16 20 40 6 40 29 151
8728 Bionic Wolves 25 25 25 25 10 10 120
8899 EP Robo Raiders 79 66 42 60 22 66 335
8907 Blue Box Bots 84 83 44 117 129 73 530
9113 Minimum Cache 198 141 177 202 196 237 1151
9189 All Charged Up 66 46 25 40 37 38 252
9410 Frank's Garage 5 45 40 45 25 60 220
9411 Rolling Thunder 20 20 0 0 0 20 60
9929 TNT (Tech Ninja Team) 5 20 20 5 5 5 60
9985 Washington Robotics 20 64 26 15 44 44 213
10101 Binary Bullets 61 119 110 156 108 162 716
10303 Robot Rebellion 0 0 20 20 24 20 84
10415 Warbots 12 49 22 59 58 57 257
10630 Robunculous Chunkulous 10 5 15 10 15 15 70
10635 Unknown Element 75 75 75 75 75 75 450
10836 STEMper Fi 30 35 30 50 20 15 180
11049 The Goblet of Wires 47 45 42 5 24 68 231
11139 Knight Owls 25 9 15 16 24 14 103
11177 Gear Grinders 59 52 72 60 82 94 419
11235 Retro Robotics 47 37 62 81 102 31 360
11373 PowerSurge 2.0 5 30 33 13 34 40 155
11848 Spare Parts Robotics 183 154 159 183 144 159 982
12682 The Golden Ratio 43 45 45 29 36 38 236
12971 Ctrl-Y 65 72 83 90 89 89 488
13365 Gearheads 33 49 42 47 64 62 297
13699 RoboGrizzlies 21 23 20 18 16 25 123
14167 The Savage Penguins 32 30 19 14 32 15 142
14401 Wildcat Robotics 60 10 10 0 5 10 95
14469 HOW 74 48 56 35 98 49 360
14475 It's Gonna Blow 61 43 51 20 39 84 298
14614 Electro 84 114 87 156 105 106 652
14615 Turbo Charged 136 151 145 160 151 190 933
14723 Chesterton Robots 13 0 6 24 5 16 64
14840 DCS MechWarriors 5 20 56 27 5 26 139
15005 Technophobia 147 156 162 174 162 171 972
15031 BoltBusterZ 46 66 31 54 49 51 297
15288 MHZ 7 20 7 5 9 16 64
16244 The TrailBlazers 172 100 134 172 127 138 843
16277 Tekon 5 40 40 40 40 24 189
16751 Polytechnic Puzzle Pieces (P3) 49 21 18 62 61 61 272
16902 Cosmotronic Unicorns 15 30 15 15 30 15 120
17335 Griffins 27 4 0 0 0 0 31
17567 The Brogrammers 25 25 25 30 25 20 150
17576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). 84 103 95 114 68 96 560
18183 Rounded Cube 7 24 20 7 20 40 118
18255 Stealth Robotics 192 184 207 189 158 171 1101
18456 K2 Robotics 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18478 Robo Griffins 0 40 20 20 24 20 124
18523 Vertigo 158 176 196 112 148 77 867
18529 Rust In Piece Robotics 149 150 145 148 88 142 822
18593 Lake View Wildbots 60 40 40 15 5 160
18635 Intelibots 27 38 59 55 55 52 286
18784 Payton NanKnights 10 12 22
18785 Wolfbyte 1 5 5 0 5 5 10 30
18787 Wolfbyte 2 5 5 10 20