2021 IL FTC All-State Championship REMOTE

March 23 – 27, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
3216 Robophins 198 174 210 186 199 193 1160
5037 got robot? 127 231 157 192 193 138 1038
6007 Eighty Nine Degrees 181 237 190 181 223 171 1183
6596 Robotic Rams 252 205 204 176 278 212 1327
7129 Robo Raiders 95 82 144 183 190 129 823
8620 Wormgear Warriors 259 234 183 276 255 157 1364
9113 Minimum Cache 285 316 185 342 310 256 1694
9929 TNT (Tech Ninja Team) 146 134 122 143 129 166 840
10101 Binary Bullets 223 252 237 237 276 267 1492
10138 Newton Busters 192 252 109 230 199 240 1222
10635 Unknown Element 90 90 336 303 329 316 1464
11049 The Goblet of Wires 71 97 76 114 86 84 528
11177 Gear Grinders 61 85 62 107 85 105 505
11848 Spare Parts Robotics 274 306 306 279 261 298 1724
12971 Ctrl-Y 118 124 207 177 154 159 939
13699 RoboGrizzlies 42 27 51 38 15 37 210
14469 HOW 154 180 196 187 177 242 1136
14475 It's Gonna Blow 74 192 173 186 252 143 1020
14614 Electro 232 270 267 285 268 267 1589
14615 Turbo Charged 258 273 274 276 256 276 1613
15005 Technophobia 270 246 270 180 252 268 1486
15410 Welded Warriors 172 127 156 141 132 105 833
16244 The TrailBlazers 267 264 244 235 214 244 1468
16457 Working Title 88 88 123 105 95 109 608
17576 TITANS (Tomorrow’s Innovators and Thinkers Acquiring New Skills). 300 225 282 111 192 291 1401
18183 Rounded Cube 153 147 159 162 183 158 962
18255 Stealth Robotics 342 302 354 349 387 384 2118
18523 Vertigo 134 46 142 74 40 40 476
18529 Rust In Piece Robotics 192 238 206 261 200 170 1267
18635 Intelibots 133 123 123 115 144 136 774