2021 ID FTC Championship Tournament HYBRID

April 16 – 17, 2021
Total Auto Teleop Endgame Team 1 Team 2 Match Num Alliance
1st 207341383514127 Lost River Robotics 16162 A2Z Robotics Q-10Red
2nd 194461084018095 Haywired-Robotics 5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians F-3Blue
3rd 190561142014147 High Voltage Couch Bananas 16162 A2Z Robotics SF1-1Red
4th 18842767014147 High Voltage Couch Bananas 14127 Lost River Robotics Q-5Blue
5th 186461004018095 Haywired-Robotics 5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians SF2-1Blue
6th 172441082014147 High Voltage Couch Bananas 16162 A2Z Robotics SF1-2Red
7th 16761664014147 High Voltage Couch Bananas 16162 A2Z Robotics F-3Red
8th 1644480405026 Tesla Coils 14147 High Voltage Couch Bananas Q-1Blue
9th 163411022014147 High Voltage Couch Bananas 16162 A2Z Robotics F-2Red
10th 16046744018095 Haywired-Robotics 5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians SF2-2Blue
11th 15540605514147 High Voltage Couch Bananas 9897 Hi-tech Trojan Q-7Red
12th 1392544705026 Tesla Coils 18095 Haywired-Robotics Q-5Red
13th 1375132014147 High Voltage Couch Bananas 16162 A2Z Robotics Q-12Blue
14th 13644722014147 High Voltage Couch Bananas 16162 A2Z Robotics F-1Red
15th 116596155053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians 16162 A2Z Robotics Q-14Blue
16th 11346224514319 NIRObots 14127 Lost River Robotics Q-7Blue
17th 1102946355026 Tesla Coils 14319 NIRObots Q-13Blue
18th 10846422018095 Haywired-Robotics 5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians Q-3Blue
19th 10046342018095 Haywired-Robotics 5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians F-1Blue
20th 993430355053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians 5026 Tesla Coils Q-6Red
20th 99534606088 Bolts, Nuts, and Bots 5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians Q-8Blue
22nd 9810484018095 Haywired-Robotics 14147 High Voltage Couch Bananas Q-8Red
22nd 9822364014127 Lost River Robotics 5026 Tesla Coils SF2-2Red
24th 9111107014319 NIRObots 18095 Haywired-Robotics Q-9Blue
25th 893242159897 Hi-tech Trojan 14127 Lost River Robotics Q-11Blue
26th 8634124018095 Haywired-Robotics 5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians F-2Blue
27th 8425243514127 Lost River Robotics 18095 Haywired-Robotics Q-14Red
28th 720522016162 A2Z Robotics 9897 Hi-tech Trojan Q-1Red
28th 7234182014127 Lost River Robotics 5026 Tesla Coils SF2-1Red
30th 69564016162 A2Z Robotics 6088 Bolts, Nuts, and Bots Q-4Red
31st 673334014127 Lost River Robotics 6088 Bolts, Nuts, and Bots Q-2Red
31st 672918205026 Tesla Coils 10494 GHS Robotics Q-9Red
31st 67333405053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians 14147 High Voltage Couch Bananas Q-13Red
34th 632226159897 Hi-tech Trojan 5026 Tesla Coils Q-15Blue
35th 603426010494 GHS Robotics 5053 Clearwater Atomic Robotic Technicians Q-2Blue
36th 441034010494 GHS Robotics 16162 A2Z Robotics Q-6Blue
37th 381082018095 Haywired-Robotics 10494 GHS Robotics Q-12Red
38th 322210014319 NIRObots 9897 Hi-tech Trojan Q-3Red
38th 32116159897 Hi-tech Trojan 14319 NIRObots SF1-1Blue
40th 28280010494 GHS Robotics 14319 NIRObots Q-4Blue
41st 2422209897 Hi-tech Trojan 14319 NIRObots SF1-2Blue
42nd 2117406088 Bolts, Nuts, and Bots 14319 NIRObots Q-11Red
43rd 1551009897 Hi-tech Trojan 6088 Bolts, Nuts, and Bots Q-10Blue
44th 115606088 Bolts, Nuts, and Bots 10494 GHS Robotics Q-15Red