2021 FL FTC South Florida League Meet #5 REMOTE

March 8 – 14, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
3888 Greased Lightning 38 26 46 11 0 39 160
5125 Raiderbots 35 33 55 87 95 74 379
5158 T.I.T.A.N.S. 10 15 15 15 15 32 102
6321 RoboRaiders 31 9 26 11 10 29 116
6322 WiredCats Origin 76 123 142 91 92 91 615
9110 WiredCats Omega 10 41 16 18 15 10 110
9986 Eaglebotics Navy 112 110 116 94 86 86 604
9987 Eaglebotics Gold 144 129 145 156 105 141 820
10022 WiredCats Gen 3 120 150 142 79 96 76 663
10130 Crown Joules 105 144 128 117 132 52 678
10830 AJAX 65 60 59 85 50 60 379
13233 Cyber Knights 75 74 97 97 91 60 494
14431 Pyrites 121 142 109 115 130 165 782
14449 MAPS 110 88 115 71 104 107 595
16391 Rising Ninjas 189 158 174 199 129 187 1036
16527 RevForce Robotics 130 128 142 117 127 168 812
18617 ElectroSTAtic 56 37 45 15 32 54 239
18618 Raiders of the Lost ARC 14 6 9 70 29 29 157
18619 BuccaNEERS 2 64 29 66 46 49 256
18684 SPAMmers 162 166 92 160 189 159 928