2021 FL FTC South Florida League Meet #4 REMOTE

February 22 – 28, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
3888 Greased Lightning 88 80 61 18 30 50 327
5125 Raiderbots 40 55 50 55 55 55 310
5158 T.I.T.A.N.S. 30 15 15 15 10 15 100
6321 RoboRaiders 38 10 25 10 18 42 143
6322 WiredCats Origin 55 80 26 38 57 80 336
9110 WiredCats Omega 5 5 32 22 64
9986 Eaglebotics Navy 82 68 53 86 88 42 419
9987 Eaglebotics Gold 157 117 91 82 121 167 735
10022 WiredCats Gen 3 56 76 40 44 54 50 320
10130 Crown Joules 17 120 144 130 117 123 651
10830 AJAX 31 45 9 28 24 48 185
11204 Shark A-Tech 29 63 70 54 62 55 333
12731 B3 202 249 225 207 201 195 1279
13233 Cyber Knights 89 86 64 83 79 94 495
14431 Pyrites 108 105 139 64 97 44 557
14449 MAPS 91 115 68 124 98 145 641
16391 Rising Ninjas 187 199 179 99 274 190 1128
16527 RevForce Robotics 164 191 116 143 170 152 936
16753 Circuit Breakers 20 5 25 20 6 23 99
16759 Wyld Stallyns UNTAMED 32 32 26 66 41 46 243
18617 ElectroSTAtic 40 28 30 49 17 19 183
18618 Raiders of the Lost ARC 20 25 5 7 7 0 64
18619 BuccaNEERS 60 64 44 49 44 46 307
18684 SPAMmers 124 109 102 151 145 141 772