2021 FL FTC South Florida League Meet REMOTE 3

February 1 – 7, 2021
Team Q-1 Q-2 Q-3 Q-4 Q-5 Q-6 Total
5125 Raiderbots 5 5 10 10 10 10 50
5158 T.I.T.A.N.S. 15 15 15 10 5 5 65
6321 RoboRaiders 25 20 16 31 21 19 132
6322 WiredCats Origin 35 54 50 62 44 68 313
9110 WiredCats Omega 5 5 5 15
9986 Eaglebotics Navy 78 59 51 68 98 87 441
9987 Eaglebotics Gold 75 96 135 99 78 55 538
10022 WiredCats Gen 3 80 71 45 82 79 123 480
10130 Crown Joules 18 84 94 97 123 131 547
12731 B3 184 207 193 182 189 222 1177
13233 Cyber Knights 70 31 88 103 0 48 340
14431 Pyrites 68 56 65 105 97 91 482
14449 MAPS 5 23 57 77 24 71 257
16391 Rising Ninjas 208 172 229 166 211 182 1168
16527 RevForce Robotics 173 137 140 149 146 98 843
16724 Bender Bots - Pahokee High 50 48 60 59 48 59 324
16753 Circuit Breakers 25 35 40 35 30 51 216
18617 ElectroSTAtic 25 20 53 47 25 9 179
18618 Raiders of the Lost ARC 5 35 10 10 10 45 115
18619 BuccaNEERS 10 5 10 40 25 45 135
18684 SPAMmers 58 56 64 38 67 81 364